Writing in progress
[Whites] are generous without giving justice; personally humane, without an equitable sharing of wealth, power or status–Maulana Karenga
What racism is, is a matter of point of view, maybe this article is “racist” so how can we discuss racism when the term is so liberally applied by everyone and anyone? Some will always insist they are not racist! they just have/had thoughts and actions which are racist to the other group. But racism is so prevalent yet seems to escape everyone. But there exists a perception by non-Africans and Africans ((Too often we forget that some of the biggest agents of racism against Africans is other Africans. Institutional racism goes on in African societies to destroy African culture by African people who have a desire to be white))of African people globally that never gets interrogated and is always negative. And when did this idea take root, if not when Africans became the slaves of others? But Racism is a “disease” which hits the poorest the hardest, the marginalized, the oppressed all over the world. And it does not exist on its own–it is always surrounded by other factors, like economics and education. It feeds off of our vulnerabilities and internal weaknesses. And until Africans start connecting all these dots, racism will forever be running and ruining our lives.
“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” — Malcolm X
Racism defined by liberal whites is when African people start discussing solutions to White racism and not involve Whites as arbitrators. They are the ones who will self-interrogate racism in institutions and offer up reforms to redress the most superficial and trivial aspects of institutional racism. So we see a Laissez-faire approach to racism which pretends that by tweaking little policies here and there or by throwing money at clueless Black organizations ((There is no epic inherent problem with BLM org, The problem is when people assume that that specific campaign is in any remote way a panacea for all the woes of the African race globally. It is not even 0.5% and way too much weight is being placed on one campaign and its objectives which really cannot capture the scope of our challenges, they do not even deal with economics or family, or anything to do with us. ))they have made their “big” contribution. If only it was so simple to fix 500 Years of embedded racism.
“History shows that it does not matter who is in power or what revolutionary forces take over the government, those who have not learned to do for themselves and have to depend solely on others never obtain any more rights or privileges in the end than they had in the beginning.”– Carter G. Woodson
You are free to complain about it but by God, you are not so free to start discussing African agency and deep economic issues. The minute you beat out a plan to increase African unity and self-development that is viler than Goebbels notes on Jews. It is hard to see in the fog of war but our issues extend WAY WAY beyond police brutality. And it says a lot since police brutality has so many receipts that there exists no counter-argument for its criminality. ((Faces of Africans lost to police brutality in America))
There are thousands of opportunities out there for African people, especially those in the West (America and UK). There are far fewer hurdles than ever before. Technology further reduces previous barriers to trade that previously only create opportunities for the wealthy. It is not racism holding us back, it is us holding us back because to access these rich opportunities you need unity, support of each other, and skills. Three things we do not like to discuss. It is far easier to speak about the hurdles than the solutions. You can give someone a hammer, nails, wood and even an instructional video, that person still cannot build a house without the will to do so. But a victim will never see an opportunity and would rather die of thirst while on the banks of a freshwater lake. Yet you will find that black rhetoric rarely exist to turn people from a victim mentality to one of self-repair and a reassessment of our engagement with our oppression.
The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them. — Orwell
Between #buyblack and #blacklivesmatter one gets pushed one gets pushed aside. ((40% drop in Black Business worst of any group))Unfortunately, they are not carried in the Western press as concepts that must co-exist. Do not let the headlines fool you: Our campaign is far more extensive than that. And there is this tendency that our entire struggle for the last 500 years is summed up by single incidences without forgetting all the other battles that need to be fought. Most of those battles are ones we must fight for ourselves. What liberal media reports on is not a litmus test of change, it is just a good news piece for better ratings. We saw the Arab Spring, but have forgotten, we saw Occupy this and that, but have forgotten so soon. All of them eventually lose media coverage and momentum and we realize far from being movements they are just moments. What all of them have in common is weak leadership, short term, and flaky goals. ((All the reforms to police will not stop police brutality, just after pushing reforms an inebriated brother got shot while sleeping in his car)) You can pour a trillion dollars into BLM and it would fail to transform anything longterm. Its main claim to fame is a lot of symbolic changes and a few amendments to the law while failing to deal with why we are always in front of the law.
Because it was never designed to do anything else. Hence why it bears the White stamp of approval.
Korean pride is a 12 Meg smartphone, Japanese pride a 1000 cc motorcycle and all of Sony, German pride is a BMW, Italian pride a Ferrari and a Porche, even tiny Taiwan’s pride is ASUS. Black pride is White print on a Tee made in China.
Our refusal as Black people to confront the issue of money and wealth is going to end up with our very lives being threatened as a people in this earth.” – Dr. Amos Wilson
Take a look at what is really killing African Americans—It is certainly not by any stretch police brutality. ((https://www.statista.com/statistics/233310/distribution-of-the-10-leading-causes-of-death-among-african-americans/))Almost equal to African Americans are Native Americans what do these two groups share in common that puts them before the law? The same way stats show the criminal disproportionately at which African Americans are targeted for brutality there are also stats that show African Americans are involved in more crimes and live in more crime-prone areas. So why furnish us with one set of stats to feed the Race Grievance Industry yet withhold the rest of the stats? ((A combined look at all stats))So the energy that goes into getting 4 racist cops arrested in a glamourous international incident, does not go into education, social development, parenting, or business. And we must take a backseat to recognize why some cases of police brutality become icons of resistance.((In South Africa many people were murdered by police during Lockdown COVID 19, yet the case of the Ethiopian beaten to death by the police did not get the attention of locals murdered by police)) And what is stressful is that from all of the chaos and global attention around George Floyd and others have African book sales gone up— NO. Do we know more about slavery and our glorious African history? — NO! For all this awareness have our people in the main turned to keep money in our community (#buyblack)—NO! Have sales of conscious films gone up? –NO, but sales of white-owned films like 12 years a slave have. Have more historical docs appeared on Netflix showing our ancient history? – NO. Have marriage rates in our communities gone up?– NO. Have the banks offered better loans to business people in our community—NO. There are many things people can do to fight racism. Protesting is the most emotional and also the most useless. It has the illusion of making us think the world is taking notice–but is it? To make the world take notice you need to affect economics. Like launch a rival to Samsung out of Rwanda and that will cause the world to take notice. Yet this option is never presented as options to oppressed Africans anywhere. We think and moreover are made to think the ONLY way is by marching and singing.
But the African is the victim of both racism and useless race-baiting, to the applause of the news networks who depend on race-baiting for ratings. The African is so confused that all organized action to tackle racism is defeated by chasing the wrong issues. As most “black” skeptics will tell you, if Whites are happy with your efforts then you are probably doing something wrong. We are not here to sing with them and feel better for the experience and then return to a world where we own nothing. We are not here to prove our humanity to the world. We are here to exercise our African agency and take economic and political control–aka self-determination. Really could not give a damn about what anyone thinks about “Black” people once we own our own world. So the war against racism from the pov of the African has a purpose beyond those presented in White liberal media. Ending racism is a means to get oppression off our backs so we can continue our journey and build a world for ourselves by ourselves. And this is where we need to look at how Jews used the antisemitism thing. They did not fight antisemitism and stood still, they used it to gain power. Africans on the other hand fight racism as if the end of racism is an end in itself. As if the end of racism and whites not crossing the road when they see us is an aspiration for a race.
Have we reached the ultimate stage of absurdity when some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they themselves are doing today?— Thomas Sowell
The most dangerous place for black people to live is in white people’s imagination—D.L. Hughley
If we put every white cop in prison for looking at us wrong it will do nothing for us owning an African version of Wells Fargo or Walmart. And that is a real objective. All of this race debates lead to economic and cultural liberation, not shorter sentences for burglary, rape, and murder.
And why is racism almost always articulated with our personal experiences with white people? Like “When white people see me they cross the road.” Or “there are no Black kids in these White schools”. What is wrong with this thinking is we forget the objectives of fighting racism should be deeper than this. White people crossing the road have never stopped Chinese or Indians from advancing in those societies. They called Indians in the UK all manner of names, the Indians still run the supermarkets the Halal butcheries, the Indian restaurants, the post offices, on and on. Having African kids in an all-white school means nothing as we can have all African schools with world-class students. ((See Jason Riley))So it sounds like ending racism for us African means an increase in Whites loving us. But African development does not care about that. We care about how many stores we own in our community not how comfortable we feel while shopping in a White-owned store. And failing this is why liberal whites feel no threat from groups like Black Lives Matter.
So when you ask an oppressed man what does he want, he might answer by saying more bread. But a free man wants more than charity at the whims of his oppressor, he wants the skills to make his own bread.
“…doth protest too much, methinks”— Shakespeare
I was just thinking about when Western Whites declare to us and themselves that “They are not Racist” what actual value does that have? And I realize it actually has nothing to do with us and what we need to do. It does not stimulate a share of power, a share of anything economic, it does not reform the police, it does not put African history books in all schools. The declaration is a self-evaluation to make them feel good about themselves. And this is without even getting into IF their self-declaration is true. Because I know a lot of these white liberals have their own system of self-evaluation where they will deny White Privilege but because they listen to Prince and like basketball, they are in the clear.
So there is this YouTuber who tells the “truth” about fake history where African characters are inserted into history for the sake of inclusion (he is right, we should never support this). But he declares over and over again that he is not racist. But he spent a few hours in Harlem while visiting New York, so by this self-imposed criterion he is not racist. Maybe when he was at uni, he banged a hot black chick, and she said he was the most non-racist person she ever meet— this is the kind of cheap cartoonish way “not being racist’ is proven. He likes jazz, clearly like Clint Eastwood that is the end of it. If you ask them to have they read any Diop, Asante, Karenga, Diouf, Ali Mazrui, on and on it is always no! What deep relationships do they have with key people in our community? Or is it just going to Africa and helping out Oxfam that means you down? So how do they know us? What deep interest do they have in us beyond pigmented characters in their worldview? And we honestly should not care, but we must understand the need of Whites to forever insert and dominate our narrative.
“Markle broke barriers as a royal”, ” LA DA husband charged waving a gun at BLM”, “Biden should pick a Black woman”, Allyson Felx on raising her daughter black. Day in day out the only stories I could keep going. There is a monodimensional representation of us in media. We are only relevant as victims of racism. We cannot create “news” by merit—only as victims within the White racist world. It is like Muslims in the Western press are always “terrorists” they cannot just be parents raising their children, and so to the African in the West is always playing “race.”
And this is why the mental construction of blackness is so offensive and limiting. It reinforces us as just orphans or some sort of satellite group in orbit of the greater white society. Do we exist outside of this narrow narrative? Who are we beyond blacks in White society? Who were we before being their slaves, blacks, and niggers? You will search and search and struggle to find much content. It is like we fell out of the skin as black-skinned people into urban America.
Whites ((Caucasians including many so-called Arabs, Persians, etc))are the greatest perpetrators of Racism in our times. If you are having problems with this statement then there is no need for me and you to discuss how we will deal with Racism and all its liaisons. This is not one of those ridiculous assertions that Africans cannot be racist or that racism needs power. This is a statement based on the last 500 years of human history. And one of the global products of Western Europe has been globalized racism and all to help Europeans build their shiny cities of the damned. ((Eric Williams)) Because if we as Africans are not careful we will find ourselves as equal partners in global racism, despite being the victims of it in every country– even when we are the majority. If we are also not careful some of us might be convinced that racism lives only in the darkest cracks of human society. That since Obama, Oprah, and Black Panther we are in a post-racist society.
Yes, there is racism but we still need Whites to confirm our experiences are racist or not
Slavery of African people was the greatest racist project in human history((The uniqueness of the Atlantic slave trade was because of the underlying race-based targeting of African people)). Start here, not in Nazi Germany. So when a recent BBC article on racism had an entire discussion on ending racism yet at no stage mentioned the TST but did not miss an opportunity to mention the Jewish Holocaust. In all the discussion the perspectives of who tells the story of racism got missed because when Whites write about racism and Africans write about racism they are two totally different narratives.
So me, as a victim of 500 years of racism, must sit down at the same table with A White America who has profited from being racist against my race and have them tell me “let us all come together and end racism.” Am… I am the victim of it 99% of the time, not the perpetrator. I do not own enough of a share in Racism to make those changes. This is not USSR vs America during the Regan administration discussing the nuclear arms race.
Race is always on the white person’s mind. And if Africans love using the race card it as a reaction to always being viewed through the lens of race. You cannot plan a holiday to any exotic part of the world without wondering “how will they welcome me as an African? ” You grew up around them you know this. You could be arguing over a parking space and their knee-jerk place to go to is race from Barbados to South Africa. You could be blocking the road and it is race, you tell them put their dog on a leash and outcomes race. But these things have nothing to do with race. Listen she is not sorry. She is sorry because it backfired. Had it worked in her favor she would have ran with it. In her mind, she is a White victim of a multicultural society. Her kneejerk default response to people of color was as a threat. Kind of like how everything in the American foreign policy response to non-White people is an imminent threat. Weaponized Whiteness works most of the time. The White victim of an encroaching multi-cultural world. But it is also ironic and worthy of note that some of the most popular porn on the internet is of the threatening Black male having his way with the innocent upmarket white woman. ((The Rise of Racist Porn))
Racism has become an all-purpose explanation for black outcomes be there social or economic– Jason Ridley
The last 500 Years of African lives include us as victims of White racism, not the other way around. The last 300 years of Indian history is shaped mostly by White racism aka colonialism. The history of South Africa’s most defining feature is White racism. The history of USA is largely the history of White racism starting with the genocide against Native Americans and then the subsequent enslavement of African people. If someone is in denial about this it is because they are not serious about discussing racism. And then what is the point in such a discussion with vulgar insincerity and hypocrisy? But that is not the end of it because Africans themselves are 100% involved in our own oppression and that is no good either and an aspect of the hypocrisy.
(See African Holocaust)
To enslave people you do not need to love them and celebrate their accomplishments. You need to dehumanize them and make it seem that Africans being enslaved is better than them being left with their own kind in Africa. Malcolm X said we had to be taught to hate each other. When has this been fixed? You switch on National Geographic and Africa only comes up when Zebras are crossing the Zambezi or when we are starving. Yet Greece, Rome, Israel are might nations in antiquity. Yet there is a current discussion about racism and very rarely does this topic come up. Go on Netflix right now and count how many historical documentaries and films exist for Jews, now see what exist for Africans. The legacy of slavery and colonialism was to remove African people from any claim to nobility and this has never been fixed.
The only cure for being powerless and a victim of racism is to gain power. And power comes in different formats, economic power is the most popular one ruling the world. Contrary to popular belief people do not HATE people just because of the color of their skin. That hatred is almost rooted in notions of inferiority in other areas. So when the Greeks saw the Pyramids of Egypt they did not find any grounds for perceiving the Egyptians as inferior. Had Europeans found Africans flying spaceships in the 15th-century things would have turn out different for us. Unfortunately, the state we were in became worst, and worst the longer slavery went on which culminated in us becoming so weak that they annexed most of Africa. But our “inferiority” in both the Arab world and the European world was not the default until the notion of African and slave became merged.
If you want to guard your White house there is no better candidate than a Black dog. You get a lot of them in high positions with more hatred for African development in their hearts than David Duke at the highest of his Klan presidency. Worst than any White racist these people look just like you. They dark-skinned just like you. And their job is to protect White supremacy because they look just like you and can do the work of Whites even better. So inside of the corporate world, you would go for a job and see a Black skinned sister maybe with locks. You are stupidly smiling to yourself thinking that you will have a chance because a sister is hiring. You have no idea, that far from give you a fair chance her entire mindset is to send you packing. An this is more rampant than you think. They are boards, all Black committees in places like South Africa that when conscious African centered projects come before them they have more passion for stopping them than any Neo-Nazi. In a personal story and entire project was handed over an inexperienced all White company so it would not be given to a Pan-African media company. Not one white person was involved in this decision. Blacks on their own did it.
People like Henry Louis Gates would are unapproachable to independent African owned media, but not if you are Jewish. He would bend over backward to prove to the entire world how antisemitic and inclusive he is, even if it means he is self-hating and racist towards his own race. ((The Mis-Education of Henry Louis Gates, Jr.))And these people’s function in White racism is critical with a capital C. Because they are Black, they are not interrogated for their choices. The assumption is that an all Black board picking tenders for saying fashion companies or film companies would be sensitive to the race dynamic and be more favorable to minorities than say an all white board. Totally and utterly incorrect and full of fallacies. But we should know this from history. In the film Django Sam Jackson played a Negro called Stephen. Who did Stephen represent if not exactly what is under discussion here? Who was the most protective of the slave master’s interest if not Stephen? It was Stephen that was so vigilant that he spotted threats to White supremacy that White supremacy itself was not previewed to.
The Black guard dog is a critical tool of any oppressive system. And it is not limited to Africans but everywhere and at every point in history. For the Jews, it was the traitor Josephus who dedicated himself to a Pax-Romana version of history, at the expense of his own race. ((Josephus and the Sages))We see these guard dogs all over the Muslim world claiming to be “liberals” and “progressives.” As Molefi Asante remarked they allow whites a safe and better position to slam the African struggle.
And some of them are not so obvious as White celebrated gates. Some of them are perfectly dressed as radical liberators. While all the while being nothing but boobytraps. The minute you bring your movement to them is the minute they sabotage it. Behind closed doors, they are busy like little bees untying the ropes that anchor us to liberation.
“I am apt to suspect the Negroes, and in general all other species of men to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was any civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent in action or speculation.”– David Hume
“HE LACKS THE POWER OF ORGANIZATION, and is conspicuously deficient in the management and control alike of men or business. HE LOVES THE DISPLAY OF POWER, but fails to realize its responsibility… he will work hard with a less incentive than most races. He has the courage of the fighting animal, an instinct rather than a moral virtue… In brief, the virtues and defects of this race-type are those of attractive children, whose confidence when it is won is given ungrudgingly as to an older and wiser superior and without envy…Perhaps the two traits which have impressed me as those most characteristic of the African native are HIS LACK OF APPREHENSION AND HIS LACK OF ABILITY TO VISUALIZE THE FUTURE.”
—Lord Frederick John Dealty Lugard, The Dual Mandate, pg.70 (1926)((Lugard View of Nigerians))
You know it is all good talking about being victims of racism but how often do we discuss why we are victims of racism in the first place. You see PC society cannot do that topic justice. But we can. So Why do people hate us? You see it is not only perceptions of “inferiority, but we are also poor and weak–that is not a figment of anyone’s mind. And we must understand how the world sees us. And how the stats against us measure up. Because you cannot be uneducated, poor, lawless, and “matter.”
2. Having no history. Well can you blame anyone for this one? Our culture in the Diaspora comes from “this moment”. Our connection is to nothing beyond 10 minutes ago. We speak of “Black” history and Beyonce and Spike Lee are the primary discussion. If we are lucky a little Malcolm X and King and Truth get thrown into the discussion. It never goes beyond slavery. But everyone respects Romans and Greeks because of their connection to greatness in antiquity. As for the Arabs, their entire notion of self-worth is connected to their ancestry. America might be at odds with Arabs, but they never denied them their place in history. This is why Egypt will be anything but African. To maintain a distance between us and our real history.
3. We complete the stereotype by being in reality and on TV villains and having broken homes. People who would rather spend on trinkets and not anything of value such as their children’s education. Walking around calling our sisters B*tches and ourselves Nig*as. Is that respectable? We accept going by a color because we hate being called African.
12. Perceived as criminal associated with drugs, lawlessness, rape,((Kaufman, Z. A.; Kaufman, E. B.; Dringus, S.; Weiss, H. A.; Delany-Moretlwe, S.; Ross, D. A. (2013). “P3.387 Prevalence and Predictors of Rape Perpetration Among Male Secondary School Students in Peri-Urban Xhosa Communities in South Africa”. Sexually Transmitted Infections. 89: A270.2–A270. doi:10.1136/sextrans-2013-051184.0840.)) and general violence. Unfortunately, along with South America, Africa is a pretty violent place, and our communities in the Diaspora are pretty violent. As for crimes by race in America well the stats are also in. ((The Need to Discuss Black-on-Black Crime))
“The race of negros is a species of men different from ours, as the breed of spaniels is from that of greyhounds. […] Their black wool does not resemble our hair; and one can say that, if their intelligence is not of another species than our understanding, it is very much inferior. They are not capable of great attention; they combine few ideas and appear to be made for neither the advantages nor for abuses of our philosophy.”In Essai sur les Moeurs, Voltaire
Because my BLACK life matters I read my “Black” history.
Because my BLACK life matters I will not hurt my own people with drugs, vulgar arts, or crime
It is at an all white board room that companies sit down and decide, white to white, how they will contribute to “Black Lives” So Getty images decide, at an all-white meeting, to refine their 30 year old equality policy. The thing is that 90% of the photographers at Getty who supply Getty with African culture are Whites. So these Whites from South Africa and Kenya and the USA make a living taking pictures of African “Tribes” and Black kids with kids on their faces that they sell back to all White charities. A perfect all-white cabal in the exploitation of African people. But because we are ignorant about how the world works when they announced their support for Black Lives Matter we celebrated as yet another BLM victory. But we never ever made a real demand for change.
And then there is the odd point of view that racism is something special to America and South Africa, am.. if we have a correct working definition of racism you will quickly realize that just because the issues of race in America are vocalized more, does not mean that silence in Europe means Europe is less racist!((On BBC there is an article Why is Racism much worst in America than in Europe. This is what happens when Whites or White minded people write articles. Do you honestly think the definition of racism is predicated on the idea of those who vocalize it the most have the most cases of racism? So because African Brits (with their smaller numbers) do not riot like African Americans does it mean the UK is less racist, OR (work with me) a different type of racism? Maybe a more insidious type of racism?)) Allow another perspective; far more than Europe has ever achieved Africans in America, with all of its racism have accomplished more upward mobility and power in all areas of people activity than corresponding Europe. They have produced far more icons of the “Black” world and even had an African American president. So where in British society is an Ilhan Omar, despite the heavy Somali communities in the UK? Beyond Diane Abbott how many Africans are sitting in the hot seats of power? Racism in the UK is way more destructive despite its silent appearance. Almost every minority community that goes to Europe is consumed into ideal waywardness.
When we did 500 Years Later we went all over the world and looked at the African condition. If you think America is bad, maybe a trip to France or some of these European countries would clear it up. Let us not even talk about Africa. In both USA and UK if you are educated and middle class you can live in these countries and be totally unaffected by race and racism. It is not like that in Israel, it is not like that in Spain if you are African. What about Germany and Italy? You see in these countries you experience racism in silence. You do not have a BLM chapter to go on CNN and air your grievances.
African Americans are the most fortunate Africans on planet Earth as a group. You not Congolese, you are not Nigerians, You not in the same terrible dilemma as South African, you not French Africans you not poor like Afro-Brazilians, or African Caribbeans and certainly not totally marginalized like African Jews in Israel. African Americans have access to way more opportunities than other groups of Africans on Earth. Go try living elsewhere and being Black and see for yourself.
KUMBAYA [vc_row][vc_column]
[Whites] are generous without giving justice; personally humane, without an equitable sharing of wealth, power or status–Maulana Karenga
There is us–the victims of white racism and then there are them. The vast majority of them are part of the problem. The hardcore racist who would rather we visit Ghana and never come back. And the Liberal who, as Karenga states, is personally humane yet at no junction plans on allowing us any platform that allows our powerbase to grow at the expense of theirs. For all the tears and heartfelt comments on YouTube, you will notice any African person suggesting anything outside of white comfort is quickly attacked as being also racist, or part of the problem. Karenga statement says it all:
[Whites] are generous without giving justice; personally humane, without an equitable sharing of wealth, power or status–Maulana Karenga
Why have we so quickly forgotten our history? Those in favor of ending slavery did not automatically mean an interest in African equality with white? Having an issue with slavery started with a human right concern with the brutality of slavery and ended once we were free of physical slavery. Some whites marched with King– yet still did not want us in their all-white gated communities. So why are we confused today when we see them holding up a sign saying “Black Lives Matter”? Black lives matter so their guilt does not kill them and we can continue to be their entertainers (buffoons singing Nigger this nigger that) and maids. Not all of them, but the majority of them. Those Whites who want us as true equals do not have a problem with an article like this because they recognize our only way to true liberation is for authentic voices from within our ranks to call a spade a spade. No White person can write this article, only an African voice can articulate the full dynamics of the African reality.
90% of these same people would not tolerate the truth about our ancestors in their schools. Do not think you are looking at the new America– it is the same America that set dogs on us, and thwarts affirmative action and reparations. And in SA the same story over and over again, the fake rainbow yet the economy still belongs to them. But we do not learn. Or did we forget? All back then many of them were holding signs and agreeing with Civil Rights. So why haven’t things changed for us?
“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” — Abraham Lincoln((Quoting Did Abraham Lincoln Express Opposition to Racial Equality?:Of course, this excerpt from one speech does not represent the totality of Lincoln’s views on race and racial equality, but the remarks were far from a complete outlier, and Lincoln’s views were more complex and uncomfortable than the prevalent modern impression of him as the racially-enlightened Great Emancipator. ))
And when you see people of all color coming out and crying for the violence visited on people such as George Floyd, Yassin Mohamed, Mark Duncan (UK), or Eric Garner or Ahmaud Arbery, please do not for one second think this is a sign of a changing society. It is all part of the shallow woke culture. These are not really American problems; these are uniquely African problems. Because while most whites will share in the marching and the crying and the empathy (and they are sincere) they will not share in the solutions when those solutions start encroaching on white power. There wish for us is a better version of white supremacy that is all. They do not wish reparation, self-development, African agency, Africans on the street with guns for protection, or anything that increases the African power base anywhere on this planet. There is nothing deep in their tears beyond shallow concerns and looking woke. We would be shocked how their faces would switch when we start having real discussions about advancing our station in their white-dominated world. You can look at almost all reactions online to any African person who starts discussing seriously dealing with racism and see the white liberal response. They are in there close to us to act as another form of control. So when one sister talked about Pan-African empowerment and forming all African campaigns they will be the first to say “Do not be a reverse racist”
Raceless idealism is the best environment for racism to grow– ‘ Alik Shahadah
RACISM against Africans at every level, do we need more evidence to prove our case? Sure because it is like a court case where you got the guy on HD video, with a knife and a gun, fingerprints, DNA, witnesses, motive, the computer with a signed confession, and the judge telling the prosecutor — ” You need more evidence”. This is why when people say “I am done discussing racism with white people” this is why they are saying it. A few years ago why asked White SA broadcasters why they never include Africans in anything but alcohol adverts. Despite having ALL of the evidence (all white magazines etc) they said they support community schooling. Am… what does that have to do with the charge of racism? So clearly it is our bad. Racism might exist but it does NOT exist in most of South Africa, it does not exist on Wikipedia (that would be the chip on our shoulder), it certainly does not exist in American execution of the law, or British “inclusive” society.
For all the Racist Black Bigots out there none of them have dropped the bomb, or gassed Jews or enslaved millions of Africans or genocide the Native Americas or germ out the Native South Americans and laid to waste their civilizations. We must clarify the difference between me being a racist, and a nation being a racist (like Israel and South Africa under apartheid). What I detest is someone pretending to discuss Racism yet generalizing it as a global problem with everyone found guilty.
Because when White liberals discussing racism in their PC environment they seem to sanitize it and we all Kumbaya and share the responsibility for ending racism. But the majority of Africans who hold racist opinions towards white people are usually rooted in reactions to being victims of racism. So either we want to deal with reality or we want to deal with white fantasy. We do not all share the same duty when it comes to ending racism, especially when people with a vested interest in a racist outcome are forever the authorities speaking on the experiences of oppressed people. 500 Years of racism gives Africans the right to speak also.
the made the ways of Britain the ways of Kenya and Ghana. While the French made the ways of Whites the ways of Senegal and Mali.
We are included on the cover of Vogue as we usher in a new era of acceptance of diversity in a multicultural world. So much progress from when dark skin was the worst thing a woman could have. But while it changes for one lady, it certainly has not changed for most. The lighter skin sister or brother still is the negro of choice for British audiences. And when it comes to diversity behind the camera–beyond the odd token– it is all white. Vogue or any of them have no diversity of ownership. That has not changed. It is not diversity defined and due to African agency. It is still a white-run project in what they find exotic. When they are bored they find a run-against-the-grain dark skin model to shock not us–but their own audience. We see this and stupidly think it means more access for us. What we fail to get is there is no access on this planet unless you have power. And who holds the power cannot be the Oprahs of this world who do more for White authors and white money than any African anywhere.
Above are the types of Blacks whites pre-approve to high positions. They work hard as hell to prove their loyalty to everything White. Amma Asante is so desperate she even made a Holocaust film about a bi-racial girl. If you keep digging this is a consistent pattern. Access to their society is via proof of long term commitment to the White agenda. Only compromised people may apply. Therefore when they have a discussion about multiculturism who gets invited to the table is determined by Whites. Imagine if all our battles could be so sweet by picking our own opponents.
For all these filmmakers that represent Africans in cinema, it is funny that their greatest complaint is they did not get a white oscar. Well, Sam Jackson maybe you did not say Nigger enough in your last white made film. What does this tell you about their mindset? It means that White approval in an unjust system of film accreditation, which is rarely based on merit by incestuous politics is their highest goal. To be appreciated by their white peers and included in their system. So every year the corrupt institution must, even if there is no merit for it, find a handful of Negroes to give awards to. If it does not, then the corrupt institution is guilty of racist corruption. So what are we really discussing? Blackmail. I want your corrupt institution every year to give X-amount of awards to white approved blacks in film. After we have that then the discussion of racism in American cinema will be closed and free from further critique. And we have to ask what kinds of Black cinema is allowed in, in the first place? Naturally, the ones where Whites control the purse strings and bank the box office profits; How coincidental. As for the so-called Black Awards, how are they any different? When they are structured on the same monolithic criteria and include the very same films shown in Hollywood. It is not like the NAACP image award is going to show a Pan-African film that Hollywood rejected. They are just a mirror of Hollywood’s image of us. And this is why the entire conversation is flawed. Are we complaining that we are cut out off of profiting over films that show as nothing but self-hating, ballers, and musicians trying to get a piece of white capitalism? Is that the complaint? Not enough stories on CJ Walker who sold her own people hair poison?
“God will never change the condition of a people until they first change what is within” — Chapter (13) sūrat l-raʿd (The Thunder)
It is about POWER over us. Sure they will join us and say slavery is wrong, Black lives matter, but have you not noticed it is always them in control? It is them deciding what about our story gets shown, gets aired, gets published? A decade ago we use to work with the Anti-Slavery Society, as per norm it was dominated by white liberals. They (emphasis) would invite us, or not, to events. They (emphasis) would include us or not within their plans for our own revolution. They would be TARZAN. Always Tarzan. They wanted to show 500 Years Later for free. So we said sure. Now on your website put a link to AHS website as an independent resource. They would not do it. Same with UNESCO, they will not do it. Why not put a link to where people can purchase the film at least? They would not do it. Because that would cause them to lose control. But they select the weakest African people to serve as indications of a “power share”. They select films that are wishy-washy and weak to represent their “inclusion:” of us. The speakers on TV that they call to represent the African arguments are often people they are comfortable with, that can be controlled or pose no serious threat. They will always pick King before Malcolm, Mandela before Biko.
Whites (not us) organize Pan-African festivals in South Africa and sit down and decide which films are representative of the African voice. Netflix shows films about us–but Whites make the films and Netflix decides which of our stories are worthy of the “African story.”
Who owns “this is Africa” website? A White European that is not by chance, its popularity is not be chance and this is the systemic nature of racism and white privilege that is not coming up enough in our conversations.
When White people in the news put us on TV to have debates about racism, reparations, and slavery, why do you think they do it? And you need to know this. Do you think they have these shows on BBC and Channel 4 to fix anything? NO! It is just business, as usual, keeping their channels looking kosher and relevant. A good show= good entertainment = means good business. They really do not care about a new world where equality and justice are served.
Race issues make CNN big money, it is like slogans and brands. This is why some stories of racism go viral and overshadow others. And it is vogue today for artists to come out and try and profit off the murder of George Floyds. Madonna,((Using the N-word)) the same one who performed to all-white Zionist audiences in Israel all of a sudden is weighting in to catch some extra press. ((Madonna Tribute to Floyd fails)) They so busy to outdo each other you might be mistaken for thinking that they honestly care about racism. But check them when the fanfare has died down and see what they are really loyal to.
White supremacy is not the only form of supremacy in the world. However, it is the only one that operates on a global scale knowing no limits. It s the primary form of supremacy shaping the last 500 years of world history. It is the victor of all the last 500 years of conquest. And the Western strain of White supremacy is the victor over other strains such as Nazism and communism. White supremacy is packaged with democracy, neoliberal globalization, human rights, internationalism, capitalism to blend into the social-economic bloodstream of the world.
black supremacy doesn’t exist! Hell, we aint even got equality yet.Its like telling the people of the Caribbean that hurricanes and Godzilla are just as destructive. Even though both can do some serious damage, hurricanes are real..and Godzilla is not! – Coffie on Facebook
And while some would argue about the existence of Black supremacy (as in radical Afrocentrism), this form of supremacy only exists in online forums, fringe Facebook groups, blogs, self-published books, basements and talk shops, and in pseudo-academic papers. It has zero influence anywhere where it affects the lives of anyone. It has no domain in any economic space; it has no power! It has no repository of WMD, it invades no countries, it has no economic system, it has no media monopoly, it has no army, it has not invaded any country, it does not genocide native people, it does not control the IMF, or the influence GDP. It cannot affect the Dow Jones, it has no means of production, it does not even own any public traded companies. If anything does more to damage its own people than members of any non-African race.
Black leaders have a vested interest in blaming black problems on racism so that is the narrative they push– Jason Ridley
Not every interaction between Africans and Whites is racism. And sometimes the news picks up on these incidences because they create news. Which is very different from reporting the news. They actively seek for stories based on race to feed the hungry world. Every story regardless of seriousness is exploited. A stupid show discussing how Black women’s braids are seen as bad, but white women with braids are cool. This makes a mockery of what victims of racism experience every day.
Some of the silliest interactions like the VW ad where a white hand flicks an African man. Is that why South Africa is owned by Whites? Is that why African history is written with Europeans all over it? Be serious. We need to understand there are some from both camps that profit from racism. Al Sharpton loves to be locking hands on CNN talking about racism. He made his career off of race-baiting. They call racism so many times it will be like the boy who cried wolf. As long as people continue to fall for Race-baiting (which is popular these days) the news will dig deep to satisfy the demand. even total nonsense. A white woman shouts at a black girl over mail = RACISM. Deep institutional racism against African history will not make CNN the same way these trivial silly stories. A white man crosses road
“threatens”Black couple = NEWS. But no threats were made, no foul words spoken. And while I understand the fears the family had, is this world news? So any interaction between two races becomes racism–even without intent?
What about knocking down some statue in London? All that energy for that symbolic move. ((Ocacia Notes: To end racism we need to deal with bread and butter issues. As appalling as a statue of a racist is, it is still symbolic. Throwing it in a cold London river will not change the lives of those affected by racism. It will not create wealth for African people or grant us the skills to compete in this world. Racism excludes people based on race and minimizes or eliminates their contributions to the forward flow of humanity. Racism affects Ocacia by making sure we have no or limited access to global markets. And the agents of that racism come in all colors. Even here in an African-dominated country we cannot just go to a boutique at the airport and sell our clothes. We cannot just go to the biggest online stores and supply them with African clothes. Nowhere in South Africa’s big markets can you buy African clothes. These are bread and butter issues, not symbols. Taking out symbols does not change that. All methods must be engaged (symbolic and practical) to eliminate racism. ))Big deal, these are NOT the things affecting people’s lives, and taking them down should not be the “accomplishments” of any anti-racist movement. So take down the symbolic things but you must also deal with bread and butter issues not only symbols. Because still, the BBC is not willing to show African owned documentaries. So our story is still buried. Still, Wikipedia has African articles with 99% White historians while they block authentic African sites (like this one).
Malcolm X was absolutely right about our finding solutions to our own problems. The most devastating problems that black people face today have absolutely nothing to do with our history of slavery and discrimination. Chief among them is the breakdown of the black family, wherein 75 percent of blacks are born to single, often young, mothers. In some cities and neighborhoods, the percentage of out-of-wedlock births is over 80. Actually, “breakdown” is the wrong term; the black family doesn’t form in the first place. This is entirely new among blacks.– Walter E. Williams
Unfortunately, our people do not have enough understanding of racism and its methods to be effective against it. It is like those people in the forest using magic to protect them against European bullets. Barclays Bank is still standing, BBC is still standing. All the institutions that protect and fuel White supremacy remain untouched because they work through economic methods, not only symbols. And unless you can fight fire with fire all attempts of altering the power balance will fail. Racism hurts us because we have no power not only because of its symbols of supremacy and injustice.
France’s racist record of neo-liberal colonialism gets less talk than a silly Volkswagen advert. As if we have already solved the great issue of African Francophone countries still dumping their money in French banks. All of these things seem to be not discussed but the minutia gets brought to the fore. We must really have made some serious progress in a country where Muslim women cannot even wear their religious dress but a silly advert flicking an African into a bar is “disgusting”. Then the silly will chase this down for two weeks and boycott VW. It is a circus show and best we keep our eyes on the prize.
But let us discuss racism that does not get called out as much, like the White political forces in South Africa trying to lift the ban on alcohol and tobacco so they can keep the Black vulnerable population drugged out. They have no problem easing lockdown as Vuyani Pambo (EFF) says:
“The white monopoly capital knows that its privileged white population will be less if not exposed at all to the virus because their working conditions have guarantees of occupational health, safety and general access to quality healthcare. Opening the economy now will only lead to massive death of black people,”
In Nigeria for example there is serious venom tension between Igbo and ruling Hausa so much so that they will talk for a decade about each other and barely mention Whites. We also get tension between Ghanaians and Nigerians, Zulus and Shona on and on. And we see the fruits of that in Eastern Congo. While the Diaspora understands White vs Black, that is not the real reality for most of Africa. So the biggest enemy of the Hutu was the Tutsi like you do not believe. If you visited some of these camps in South Africa created by Xenophobia when you speak to Shona and Malawi people as well as others their nemesis is not the white man, but the Black Zulu. That is their arch enemy just like the white man in the African American narrative. What about Eastern Congo? The White man barely if ever comes into their story of them vs an oppressor. What about Ethiopia? The people of Gambella have a story of a Semitic Ethiopian oppressor, the white man occupies no part of their 300 year experience with Ethiopia and Sudan. And even among the Habesha group, there is the Amhara vs the Tigrinya and the Amhara and Tigrinya against the Oromo, and all of them combined against the people of Southern Ethiopia. Same in what is now Southern Sudan, the narrative of the Dinka is all about the African Muslim in the North, today it has shifted to a more local oppressor—but an oppressor none the less. Racism, xenophobia, or tribalism while going by different names operates on identical mechanisms and creates identical traumas. So how do we say to people of Darfur “fight White supremacy?” that is not their day to day experience. Their concern is with the Janjaweed. For the Twa in central Africa their White man is the Bantu. And we need to start understanding the structures of racism well beyond the narrative of Black vs White.
In 2015 at an all African school in Zimbabwe African children were given white dolls to play with. One parent complained that such toys were inappropriate, to which an African teacher replied she could not see the issue. This is years after this kind of behavior has been demolished in White majority America. Yet in Africa, educators who are African do not know the harmful effects of white indoctrination in children. Everyone on Earth but some of these brainwashed institutions knows this. You will struggle to find an African doll in any supermarket in Southern Africa. As one white manager told us, when we complained, there is no demand!!!!!
And when by discuss it does not mean make one group villains and one group saints. But look at why sometimes rental agencies actively discriminate and how we can address these practices. Discrimination in Africa means Indians will get the job before Africans even in African-owned businesses. In Africa, the Chinese will sub-rent to Ethiopians and Nigerians but maybe not South African locals in South Africa. While in most of Africa a European will get a big job while qualified Africans go broke. ((South Africa spends millions of dollars hiring Whites from Europe and America to make their tourist videoes while talented African people never get such opportunities. White means better. But when Whites are always hired over Africans it is no wonder why whites are always better because they have greater opportunities))
see Arab Slave Trade
“from a single (pair) of a male and female, and made [us] into peoples and tribes, that [we] may know each other” and “…the most honored of [humans] in the sight of God is he who is most righteous…” Qurán (49:13).
Racism in what we loosely call the “Muslim” world is not a new thing it is almost 2000 years old.((see Arab Slave Trade)) We know this even from the statement by prophet Muhammad who said (1500 years ago) that an African is equal to a Arab (White) the only thing that separates anyone is good work– not race. Why would he have to say this? Because those Arab societies practiced Arab supremacy, just like the KKK. Arabia (a multicultural society) 1500 years ago was plagued with the same race issues we see in America today.
Racism in the Arab/Muslim/Indian/Pakistani world is different from place to place. Morocco is not Libya (today) that is for sure. In Morocco as well as Egypt you will hear many stories of Western Africans being treated with respect, as what Malcolm X would have witnessed. But beyond that the stories are not as accessible as in the West. But even in the West, inside Muslim communities racism is rife– but it does not get documented. In South Africa, you rarely get to hear how African Muslims suffer at the hands of the majority Indian Muslim population. But within the Muslim community, these issues are known without any doubt. For all the egalitarian non-racial promises of Islam, the character of Muslims might even be 50 years behind those of progressive White societies. It is still taboo for an Indian/Pakistani Muslim to marry a pious African Muslim–absolute no no. But the same is not true if the woman brings home a White Muslim. There is still this notion, especially in Indian/Pakistani communities that Islam was given only to their race. So some of them, especially the older generations do not even want to pray next to Africans or greet them Assalam Alaikum. The role of the African in parts of the Islamic world is to be a subservient devotee who takes their scraps, calls the Adhan, and cleans the mosque, like the eunuchs of old.
Malcolm X, o in a letter written during his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1964, wrote:
“America needs to understand Islam, because this is the one religion that erases from its society the race problem. Throughout my travels in the Muslim world, I have met, talked to, and even eaten with people who in America would have been considered white, but the white attitude was removed from their minds by the religion of Islam. I have never before seen sincere and true brotherhood practiced by all together, irrespective of their color.”
What Malcolm X wrote does not completely tell the story of race relations in the Islamic world, but they still offer a window into a world that is clearly different from what he experienced in America.
“a white has no superiority over a black nor does a black have any superiority over a white except by piety and good action.” — Muhammad((Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was the first person in history to firmly assert that “a white has no superiority over a black nor does a black have any superiority over a white except by piety and good action.” These powerful words were spoken during his farewell sermon, where he urged Muslims to embrace racial equality. In order to realize the magnitude of his task, one must take into account the social landscape in which this statement was made.))
- Who ended the slave trade- Europe
- Who stopped the Arab trade – Europe
- Who was the greatest Abolitionist – A European
- The greatest scientist, thinker, architect, composers, inventors – Europeans
- Who invented modern civilization – Europe
- Who invented everything good – Europe
- Who is the most civilized – Europe
- Who knows what is best for Africans? – Europeans
The question that should be put to these historians is “What has indigenous Africa contributed to the world?” Because the history of take-away has reduced Africa to nothing, thus implying the old statement “Africa is of no historical significance.” So how are today’s scholars any different from David Hume and Kant? If all their conclusions reduced all the nobility of Africa to given, borrowed or stolen.
In the Tarzan paradigm, Tarzan is the great white hero who speaks on behalf of the ‘primitive’ Africans and acts as the parent and leader. During colonialism Europeans established themselves as the primary agents of African destiny; in their superiority, they knew what was best and spoke on behalf of Africa. Now what is not understood is when Bono stands up and speaks, or when yet another White person “exposes” the ills of Africa through film this is a direct ideological continuum from the superiority complex of slavery and colonialism. The underlying premies is Whites are morally and intellectually superior and have a burden to save Africans.
I t would not be sufficient to tell the story of Idi Amin; so infamous enough and surely notorious enough character in his own right. No, they say, this would reduce the value of the project, in comes the European into the storyline. It is actually amazing to see Mel Gibson attempt to make a film of a non-White people without a central European character. Returning to the likes of Richard Attenborough we cannot blame him for his bias in Cry Freedom , he is by nature a European and is simply acting out his European weighted worldview, avoiding Eurocentric as a term, as every healthy race is sensitive to his or her cultural perceptions. It makes no sense to ask Spielberg to give more “Africaness” in his Amistad or The Color Purple (which was an amazing piece of cinema). Even stories of African struggle are without exception made by Europeans: End Game, Invictus [2009](Clint Eastwood), Amandla (Lee Hirsch), Roots (Collection of Whites), War Dance (Sean Fine), Life and Debt (Stephanie Black), Who killed Malcolm X (White Jewish production), Rize ( David LaChapelle ). Who is cashing in again and again on our tears? Why can’ Africans be the central authors of their stories? The issue is not for Europeans to become more sensitive in “pretending” to be African, the issue is amazingly simpler; it is for Africans to be agents in their stories and hence removing the problem all together.
The concept that Europe is qualified in bringing out indigenous people’s stories is just as arrogant as assuming Africans are and others are a worthless child-race. All nice intentions are welcomed by these are all rooted in the same racist presumption of racial incapability on the part of Africans and other non-European races.
Name: Maarten Brouwer
Function: Director “This is Africa”
City/country: Amsterdam
Doesn’t it break your heart that when you go to a site “this is Africa” or ” Africa this Africa that” or see a shop selling African art, and then you click the about page and all you see is White people smiling at you? Doesn’t it tell us something powerful? How is it possible that in 21st century that 99% of our news agencies, cultural sites, history books, films and everything to do with Africa is directed by European people, and if Africans are lucky they get to work for them. Only in Africa, Not with Asians, not with Jews, and certainly not Chinese. But anytime you see a site on Africa and their face on the about page be sure the agenda (however well-meaning) will not deal with African holistic liberation. They will talk to death about Music, about how nice Victoria falls is, how human Nelson Mandela is but never will they self-implicate Europe in the ongoing removal and denial of African agency.
A journey to the local media outlet see Michael Palin in Africa, or a PBS special on Africa produced by an all European cast called Tigress productions. This is the interface, which we need to challenge; many of us are caught-up in incidentals of our struggle. Being seen on a screen is not self-determination, especially when the gatekeepers, decision-makers who determine the validity of our work are all European. African stories are attempts to explain Africans to Europeans as opposed to Africans explaining themselves to each other. This mere fact renders the whole concept of “Black cinema” and “Black perspective” redundant.
When It comes to the Jewish story, regardless of if it is a historical piece ( Schindler’s List), a Comedy (Meet the Fockers) or a Sci-fi (X-Men), a social drama (Freedom Writers) every single opportunity reinforces the Jewish story. Only Africans think consciousness is a genre.
It is about POWER over us. Sure they will join us and say slavery is wrong, Black lives matter, but have you not noticed it is always them in control? It is them deciding what about our story gets shown, gets aired, gets published? A decade ago we use to work with the Anti-Slavery Society, as per norm it was dominated by White liberals. They (emphasis) would invite us, or not, to events. They (emphasis) would include us or not within their plans for our own revolution. They would be TARZAN. Always Tarzan. They wanted to show 500 Years Later for free. So we said sure. Now on your website put a link to AHS website as an independent resource. They would not do it. Same with UNESCO, they will not do it. Why not put a link to where people can purchase the film at least? I would not do it. Because that would cause them to lose control. Whites (not us) organize Pan-African festivals in South Africa and sit down and decide which films are representative of the African voice. Netflix shows films about us–but Whites make the films and Netflix decides which of our stories are worthy of the African story. They are our parents and we their children.((White Savior Complex))
When you look across Africa and you realize we are not a monolith. Some cultures are far more enslaved than others. Some Christians (per the meme) will buy a factory and convert it into a church and pray for jobs. Yet other Christians in Africa will never do that, they will make shoes out of old tires. In some parts of Africa, you will never ever see a Mosque without a school and a place for businesses to operate–Never. And the same with some Hebrews. Some people from parts of Africa are 100% on a business tip. Before they even sort out a place to sleep they sort out a place to trade. You go to their business and look around the counter and they pray, sleep, eat and trade from one spot. Just like the Chinese. You will never beat them. You can be racist to them all day long, and short of killing them, you will never hold them back. They come to your country with one suitcase and in 5 years they living in a 4 bedroom house in the suburbs. And what I ask my people in the West, are they not facing even more racism than us in the Diaspora? So racism cannot hold us back, we hold us back more.
There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out an through. Therefore there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall” — HOMER
Not all objectives are so flashy; most are dull and boring. You know they do not bring instant gratification. They do not make your heart thump faster. They not always seen by the naked eye. And we have argued that the real revolution happens in quiet spaces. You can put 1000 people in front of an embassy, OR you can stay at home and organize a lobby. The lobby over 1 year will accomplish far more than any protest will. Laws are changed through lobbies far more often than by protesting. You might have seen protest on the news but what you do not see is the lawyers and policymakers affecting change through documents and politics. That is how changes come about. In SA the protest to the alcohol ban was not done by one march. HEAVY lobbying by White monied interest. It does not take shouting, it takes a legal educated mind within an understanding of power and economics.
Victory for different people has different definitions; Victory for the popular anti-racist movement is White people not crossing the road when they see us or the security guard not following us around the Walmart when we shop. But victory should be us just owning the shops where we shop. Problem solved. Anti-racism is dismantling the things that keep us from owning the world we live in, not an increase in Whites putting us on CNN but us owning our own CNN. Not more Black Panther films, but films about us by us. Not more Dark skin children in rich white schools, but our own schools of excellence. Victory is not Gucci hiring more African designers, but us supporting Ocacia Designer Clothing and soleRebels. Victory is not more White people writing about African history, but us writing our own history and rewarding our own awards to those who represent us.
Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. –sūrat l-raʿd (The Thunder)
When the riots and the music blackout stops the victory will be 4 corrupt racist policemen in custody and us in the same pathetic economic and social state. We will still not know who Menelik was, we will still not know what Garvey said and we will still not know how to run our own businesses or sew our own clothes, or control the education of our children.