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THE NEWS vs REALITY | African Holocaust Society
The danger with the news is we get so comfortable with it in our lives that we think that the news is a mirror... THE NEWS vs REALITY



This article is an ongoing research piece largely derived from previous work by Halaqah Films and Manufacturing Consent as well as other sources.



The danger with the news is we get so comfortable with it in our lives that we think that the news is a mirror of reality and what is going on in the world. It is certainly not. If 100 racist incidences of epic proportion happen in a day someone—who does not look like us— decides what is newsworthy and what is not. When you read BBC and contrast it with al-Jazeera you quickly realize major world events covered by one are ignored or footnoted by the other. At the same time, a story about Nigerian boys making a film on old iPhones using tin cans as props will get a featured spot, but the news about Nigerian filmmakers doing epic music videos to challenge the best of the west will not. Then we say “look how innovative we are”. No, just a clown show to make readers smile.

Stories that are not tidy and pretty and fit into the spheres of interest of the respective news agencies are discarded. The film Nightcrawler was pretty accurate. The priority is how can we get you to click that button and stay watching our content. What is happening in the world is very different from what is interesting to Western readers in the world. News for a tailored demographic is not reality.

Not in the news means DID NOT HAPPEN. And we have been groomed into the mindset. But the news is not a democracy, some editor somewhere decides which stories you need to know about and others which you do not need to know about. And when it comes to most of what is called African news it is just a re-write of what CNN, Reuters, etc are saying. Not even a hint of African self-interest.

How does the news work? Do not take it from me they show you how it works. Certainly, stories have a higher value than others. White cops shooting black kids, and celebrities making antisemitic comments or anti-gay comments, all have different price tags. The job of the news is not to tell you what is going on or what is relevant but what information sells.


“Education is a system of imposed ignorance.”
― Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent

The West is shameless when it comes to pushing propaganda. If you fall outside of their ‘pact’ you will see a perfect alignment of media agendas and Western foreign policy. I am not sure why they bother to call it news. Below is one example, and one is all that is needed to make the case. This news piece claims she is “hiding from the Taliban” no one stopped to ask,  she should have found a better hiding place than showing her face on Western news on YouTube. All her patron’s faces are seen in the video clip—but she has to “hide” from the Taliban. Tomorrow, when the USA or UK government makes a sweet gas-oil deal with these terrorists all of this negative media will dry up.

She is “hiding” from the Taliban


If you like being brainwashed tune into CNN or even Al-Jazeera and just watch it straight. I never sit down and watch visual news. I use a news aggregator and I READ News. I do not need to hear about Trump and his Bleach treatment 20 times on 20 different networks with commentary from every Dr in America being interviewed one after the other—That is not news. Yes, we still have not seen Kim in days—but they got how many articles on it? Because while they are doing that other news is not getting reported, like what evil Zionists are doing or the heavy-handed state crimes being perpetrated during the lockdown by Burundi ?. And who heard of all the good work coming out of Senegalese labs to combat Corona? That is because we are busy chasing non-news on Big networks.
“Genocide” is an invidious word that officials apply readily to cases of victimization in enemy states, but rarely if ever to similar or worse cases of victimization by the United States itself or allied regimes.”
― Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent
“The beauty of the system, however, is that such dissent and inconvenient information are kept within bounds and at the margins, so that while their presence shows that the system is not monolithic, they are not large enough to interfere unduly with the domination of the official agenda.”
― Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent



If a member of the royal family secretly goes out to feed orphans how come it is headline news? We do not think that maybe it is all part of the illusion being sold to sheep. Funny how everything they do ends up in the so-called news. You see they have a value that converts into hits which convert

They make news yet are irrelevant to most

into dollars from advertising. Now what the royals do has zero impact on the lives of most people. Not sure why they are so important to brush their teeth and traveling to Africa. And this entire celebrity culture that says what they do is more important than the plight of Rohingya Muslims dying from persecution in the waters of Bangladesh. Yet BBC gives them a footnote while pushing the story of how the Royals were feeding some orphans in America secretly.  And the true fault of this is the sheep. Because every time someone clicks like on this it sends a signal telling them what stories to run with the next day. If people rather read about Nicki Minaj’s stupid tweets than the US bombing of Somalia during the Covid 19 pandemic then they will keep pushing Nicki, J-Lo, P-Diddy, and Kanye narcissistic vanity pursuits at the expense of serious issues affecting real human beings. So the news is not only not relevant is also immoral.



Propaganda (Hasbara) is not only about what is true vs what is not. What propaganda is when they keep going and going and going with one narrative to make you think a certain way. Case in point Afghanistan. Can you find one article on the Taliban that is not talking about how some woman was beaten for not cooking? Let us assume every single negative story about the Taliban is true. So how it is still propaganda? Because if I wanted to (and I wish I could), I could gather every single negative news item on Israel or America and repeat 2000 times a day and convenience you of another truth. It’s all about balance. When you read about domestic abuse in Afghanistan we are balancing it against what? Did we read the same quantity of reports from South Africa? No. Did we contrast it to India or Barbados? No. Making a woman cover-up is seen as a crime, what about a society that makes them uncover? What forces exist in Western societies for women to seek validation via sexuality? And it is very counter-intuitive because this is the same society that applauds all kinds of deeper identity politics yet on the cover of almost every magazine is the monolithic exploration of society via penis, tits, and vaginas.

What about a society that teaches children all about how many different ways they can have sex with people of their own gender? Or that there is no gender. So just know that in the West many of us have a side! and we make an argument based upon our understanding of freedom and justice (I am sure Black people are very familiar with that term). Right now in Afghanistan, they are doing the exact thing! Making a statement about their values vs ours. But what I would like to draw attention to is the purpose of using these stories. What do they want from you! To think like how they think. None of them are any different in that regard. BOTH use propaganda. Both are manipulative. It is just the West selects domestic abuse to showcase how barbaric the Taliban is, and the Taliban showcase the sexual immorality and duplicity of Western morals. Just know CNN et all would be really slow to show you the same exact crimes going on in Saudi Arabia, or the human rights abuses going on in Israel.


See War Myth:


In the last 20 years of American history, there have been 129 confirmed White terrorists (Timothy Mcveigh, Robert Lewis Dear, to the Olympic Park Bomber, to the infamous Unabomber), all Christian, all white, all American, and all successful at killing people: However, has that fact ever factored in profiling White American Christians? Has it caused a backlash or the mythical association between Christianity, secularism or America and violence?“ Who from Anders Behring Breivik religion made a global apology? With the Rober Dear attacks blogger James Schlarmann chided “moderate white Christians” for not denouncing the Planned Parenthood attack as “moderate Muslims” are often asked to denounce Islamist terrorism.

And listen to the media “Oh he was stressed, he had a hard childhood”, I am sure Binny Boy was under a lot of stress also with all those Yankie troops prostituting his country. What about Michael Kadar, the Jewish lad who made hoax terrorist calls to Jewish organizations? Apparently, his tumor made him do it.((US-Israeli man jailed for 10 years over bomb hoax calls)) Less than a score of Arabs are accused of lone terrorist acts and now, because of that 0.0000000000001%, 1.5 billion people, 1/5 humans on the planet are on the FBI watch list. The one million dead Iraqi children somehow are “unworthy” causalities (Chomsky), that is not “religious aggression” by Western nations because it is sanitized by words such as indirect war, collateral damage and the cost of liberation. [perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]All fundamentalist, political, ideological or religious share one common feature — intolerance to difference[/perfectpullquote]



African Holocaust (Est. 2001) is a non-profit civil society dedicated to the progressive study of African history and culture. The society is composed of diverse array of African scholars and writers, who share the desire use critical thinking to represent and restore an authentic, reflexive, honest, inclusive and balanced study of the African experience, past and present.