There can be no covenants between men and lions, wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other out and out an through. Therefore there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall” — Homer
The analog of the relationship between the White liberal and the neo-con is that of the left hand and the right hand; connected to the same body and necessary for clapping for the continuation of white supremacy. The left hand is as equally dependent on the right hand, as the right is dependent on the left.[1] One commits the crime and the other covers it up. Together the central system of white supremacy is adept at better managing. or manipulating, the world into spheres of white domination and sustaining hegemony over every aspect of the African world; from terminologies, to products, to politics, to Africa’s cultural and intellectual resources.((Our entire worldview of who we are is created inside of a white man’s imagination. We here about Africa and all we really know is the Africa inside of their minds. We are blacks, sub-Saharan, slaves, tribes, all of this is them, none of this is us.))
While many Whites deplore the KKK and are disgusted by such forms of white supremacy, that is not the only thing they hate, they also hate African agency with equal vigor.
I’d rather walk among rattlesnakes, whose constant rattle warns me where they are, than among those Northern snakes who grin and make you forget you’re still in a snake pit–Malcolm X
The greatest fuel of White Supremacy is Black stupidity. What some of us do not realize is White supremacy is not wearing a T-Shirt saying “Here I am, see my work”. What would be the point in it giving away its location? White supremacy does not use its first or last name (white + Supremacy) it goes by other names like ICC, and IMF, and it hides behind friendly words like freedom, development, free-market, democracy, economic justice, law. But the best thing White Supremacy does is use black proxy agents. All these puppet leaders we see in Africa and Arab countries are full-time agents of White supremacy. Their first loyalty in any country is to protecting White wealth and power. ((A good example of this is how Puma, Nike etc uses the South African (July 2019) police to destroy African (Foreign/Ethiopian) business to the applause of local Blacks. Unknown to most it was White economic supremacy protecting their market in exploiting African people who support expensive brand names. The Ethiopians with their knock-off brand name clothes got in the way))
The genius of white supremacy is such that if we had to rate its effectiveness in 1622, during slavery, it would get a 5/10. But if we had to rate its effectiveness in 2022 it would get a 10/10.
We are our worst enemy. White supremacy is a disease that feeds off people with a weak immune system. The healthier you are, the less effect it has on you. White supremacy does not bother North or South Korea or Japan or China. But it bothers us. But we know this from the data. If you do not have that data you might not realize the obvious. You might think police brutality and a white woman calling Five-O on a brother is the summit of White supremacy in your lives, forgetting all the thousand other choices we make as humans. Unless you are saying Puma, Hilfiger, H&M, and White Hollywood put a gun to your head and said “support us or die”.
We can clearly see neoconservative racism; it leaves a trail of dead bodies, invaded countries, and indigenous people in a state of physical or cultural genocide. However, the liberal strain of white supremacy operates by appearing friendly, with the conscious or unconscious intentions, of diverting non-white struggles into ambiguity. Liberalism is therefore even more deadly because its entire mission is to, knowing or unknowing; protect and project white supremacy by causing internal failure within the African liberation movement. This act of creating failure is almost genetic because it is hardwired to white self-interest; where whiteness is a property and a mental mode of resonating with the world. The overarching characteristic of White Supremacy, in all its strains, and by all of its hidden and open names (such as Zionism, Aryan nation, Darwinism((Darwinism is just an idea, but an idea used by racist to promote concepts like survival of the fittest where destroying other races is natural because they are seen as weak.)), etc), is blinding arrogance and intolerance to any form of non-white agency. Even in the guise of liberalism and charity, it has this habit of speaking for, and through the people, it claims to help. This is what makes it a form of supremacy; the notion of a more advanced, civilized, moral, refined people saving savages from their terrible fate of self-mutilation. White so-called liberals are happy to contribute to the African struggle in a way that always provides the best breeding ground for African dependency. White supremacy has 4M: merchant, missionary (democracy), media (white liberal media), and the military. And these are tools used to keep the world of White capitalism buoyant.
In its quest for certainty, Western philosophy continues to generate what it imagines to be colorless and genderless accounts of knowledge, reality, morality, and human nature– Alison Baile
This creates a sense of movement without actually covering any ground—like a mouse on a wheel, that goes nowhere—aimless and functionless.[4] A struggle with objectives, which are just out of reach—like a carrot on a stick. For example, they demand that Africans succumb to some “broader human (color blind) calling” in a “We are the world” that is controlled by the color line. The liberal comes with beautiful words and offers of peace, only to get a better purchase on the African liberation struggle taking it down the path of least revolutionary trajectory. (See how Heritage Day in SA is being “revolutionary” renamed Barbecue (Braai) Day to “unite” South Africans).[5]
So when you have a little petition or a nonsense liberation program and you see a lot of smiling White liberals agreeing with you, know that they have already calculated self-interest. They have no problem agreeing with your BLM or gansta film or your guitar concert. But go and build an institute to lobby for reparations, a Pan-African university, or a Pan-African supermarket and see a totally different reaction. White supremacy is fully, consciously or even unconsciously, capable of seeing White self-interest in a split-second.
[Whites] are generous without giving justice; personally humane, without an equitable sharing of wealth, power or status–Maulana Karenga
They can write entire books on Africa and compile a play-list of all White authors without batting an eyelid to the inequity in doing so. They offer feminism in place of women’s justice, to lure the African woman outside of the African family unit. They support every vice and deviant behavior under the banner of liberalism in order to destroy the heart of African unity. They preach peace and harmony while footnoting justice and self-determination. They are very vocal at reminding people that they are divorced from their ancestors historically of horror (and we should avoid generalizations). But they remain the dominant race-class knowing no land of exception. If humanity has any plan of altering the outcome of the future we must own the past, and the behaviors of the past which perpetuate inequity. And that past personality of White supremacy has never changed or been addressed in any institutional way.
Most of our people do not understand anything about White supremacy. Mandela did not understand it, King did not really understand its methods–But Malcolm did. White supremacy does not sleep, it does not celebrate Xmas, Kwanzaa, Eid, or Sukkot. It is not a group of old white men meeting in the wee hours of the morning to discuss the “destruction of the Negro race” yet White supremacy despite not always working covertly under conspiracy like an organized cabal it has all the behaviors of such an organization. When we move left to counter White supremacy they are already there waiting for us. And this is because while we play checkers, White supremacy plays chess. It will sacrifice a queen– if it has to– to win the game. And White supremacy is like an i9 CPU versus a Pentium first gen. The way White supremacy calculates self-interest you might think it can read minds. It however cannot. It operates at a supercomputer level always processing data to keep White on top. While Black people are looking at struggle from 2018-2020 White supremacy is calculating struggling from Bahia Brazil, Vietnam, the 100 Year War, the French Revolution, Bosnia, even as far back as the first and second Jewish revolt. So why would White supremacy surrender power because people are marching in the street? Does White Supremacy not know how to deal with marching Black people? Since 9/11 we have seen White supremacy pull out all the stops against a real enemy an enemy who could not be bought or brainwashed. Prior to this White supremacy system of economics defeated even mighty China and Russia. So after this, you think some angry Black people all dependent and integrated into the same system they are fighting against present a threat?
White supremacy might be evil, but it is not stupid. It is not simple, it is sophisticated. It did not survive the last 500 years to be taken down by a few Black people in the street complaining that “Black Lives Matter.”So what does white supremacy do? It joins the struggle and gets some yellow paint and puts a symbolic Black Lives Matter on a street running between Chase Manhattan and Wells Fargo. Realizing it is working they go and paint another street with Black Lives Matter between the streets connecting Warner Brothers and Lionsgate. ((This is hyperbole to make a point, the fact remains that none of the buildings surrounding any of the signs are owned, or will be owned by any African group–the money has not changed over))And most of us do not get it. When it comes to Muslims such tokenism would never do. Finding no common ground or ways to appease “radical” Islam, the only option is to send in the drones.
White supremacy knows us better than we know ourselves. They know without much thinking the difference between King and Malcolm X, Biko and Mandela. They knew to kill Lumumba and Gaddafi and leave a whole heap of puppets in place. Again this is because they collate a whole heap of data and study outcome. While we get emotional, they get stone cold. We fight with our heart, they fight with their head. During the 60’s we hugged the White hippy and their cries for justice became our cries. Where are those White hippies today? Some of them are running Silcon valley and film studios, they brought their cameras filmed our revolution and now sell it to the world. This is why they would praise King and be very hesitant with Malcolm.((Malcolm X differ significantly between white and black Americans. Overall 32% of Americans have a positive opinion of Malcolm X, while 34% have a negative opinion. Whites tend to have an unfavorable (41%) rather than favorable (26%) opinion of Malcolm X. Among black Americans, however, the vast majority (67% to 6%) have a favorable rather than unfavorable opinion of him.)) But turn back the clock and you would be surprised how unfavorable Malcolm was among African Americans back then.
There is an unfortunate element in the African community, especially in the Diaspora that uses the existence of White Supremacy to delay actual work in areas exploited or destroyed by White Supremacy. White Supremacy like the Freemasons has become the grand nemesis that stops everything. So they dismiss everything in science, math, logic, history as part of White Supremacy and therefore to be ignored. But European and White Supremacy are not automatically interchangeable. There is no White Supremacy in the calculation of gravity (9.81) and if you want to make African planes fly, you might need to check it out. Einstein, the New York skyline, calculus, aerodynamics are knowledge, not White Supremacy. Truth also does not care if it comes from a European or an African: a statement is not White because the person saying it is European. It is White supremacy only if the message promotes White Supremacy. And this explains why we have Africans who are active agents of White Supremacy (even when holding up the African flag).
The most dangerous place for black people to live is in white people’s imagination—D.L. Hughley ((Our entire worldview of who we are is created inside of a white man’s imagination. We here about Africa and all we really know is the Africa inside of their minds. We are blacks, sub-Saharan, slaves, tribes, all of this is them, none of this is us.))
So you do not fight White supremacy by running off to the forest to beat drums, or pouring libation to the ancestors for intervention, because they will come and find you. Technology must match technology, education must match education. If they make films we must make films. If they build spaceships we must build spaceships and get to Mars first.
“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” — Malcolm X
It is easy to point the finger at something as omnipresent as White Supremacy and not deal with anything else. White Supremacy is certainly not the only thing going on holding Africans or non-whites back. To believe this is to make Whites into gods. Lastly there could be no defeat of WS in a vacuum, so to defeat White Supremacy is to have economic empowerment, to increase African culture and knowledge of ourselves. You cannot have defeated WS and have no education for your people or need a dependent economic set up.
It would not be sufficient to tell the story of Idi Amin; so infamous enough and surely notorious enough character in his own right. No, they say, this would reduce the value of the project, in comes the European into the storyline. It is actually amazing to see Mel Gibson attempt to make a film of a non-White people without a central European character. Returning to the likes of Richard Attenborough we cannot blame him for his bias in Cry Freedom , he is by nature a European and is simply acting out his European weighted worldview, avoiding Eurocentric as a term, as every healthy race is sensitive to his or her cultural perceptions. It makes no sense to ask Spielberg to give more “Africaness” in his Amistad or The Color Purple (which was an amazing piece of cinema). Even stories of African struggle are without exception made by Europeans: End Game, Invictus [2009](Clint Eastwood), Amandla (Lee Hirsch), Roots (Collection of Whites), War Dance (Sean Fine), Life and Debt (Stephanie Black), Who killed Malcolm X (White Jewish production), Rize ( David LaChapelle ). Who is cashing in again and again on our tears? Why can’ Africans be the central authors of their stories? The issue is not for Europeans to become more sensitive in “pretending” to be African, the issue is amazingly simpler; it is for Africans to be agents in their stories and hence removing the problem altogether.
The concept that Europe is qualified in bringing out indigenous people’s stories is just as arrogant as assuming Africans are and others are a worthless child-race. All nice intentions are welcomed by these are all rooted in the same racist presumption of racial incapability on the part of Africans and other non-European races.
Name: Maarten Brouwer
Function: Director “This is Africa”
City/country: Amsterdam
Doesn’t it break your heart that when you go to a site “this is Africa” or ” Africa this Africa that” or see a shop selling African art, and then you click the about page and all you see is White people smiling at you? Doesn’t it tell us something powerful? How is it possible that in 21st century that 99% of our news agencies, cultural sites, history books, films and everything to do with Africa is directed by European people, and if Africans are lucky they get to work for them. Only in Africa, Not with Asians, not with Jews, and certainly not Chinese. But anytime you see a site on Africa and their face on the about page be sure the agenda (however well-meaning) will not deal with African holistic liberation. They will talk to death about Music, about how nice Victoria falls is, how human Nelson Mandela is but never will they self-implicate Europe in the ongoing removal and denial of African agency.
A journey to the local media outlet see Michael Palin in Africa, or a PBS special on Africa produced by an all European cast called Tigress productions. This is the interface, which we need to challenge; many of us are caught-up in incidentals of our struggle. Being seen on a screen is not self-determination, especially when the gatekeepers, decision-makers who determine the validity of our work are all European. African stories are attempts to explain Africans to Europeans as opposed to Africans explaining themselves to each other. This mere fact renders the whole concept of “Black cinema” and “Black perspective” redundant.
When It comes to the Jewish story, regardless of if it is a historical piece ( Schindler’s List), a Comedy (Meet the Fockers) or a Sci-fi (X-Men), a social drama (Freedom Writers) every single opportunity reinforces the Jewish story. Only Africans think consciousness is a genre.
It is about POWER over us. Sure they will join us and say slavery is wrong, Black lives matter, but have you not noticed it is always them in control? It is them deciding what about our story gets shown, gets aired, gets published? A decade ago we use to work with the Anti-Slavery Society, as per norm it was dominated by White liberals. They (emphasis) would invite us, or not, to events. They (emphasis) would include us or not within their plans for our own revolution. They would be TARZAN. Always Tarzan. They wanted to show 500 Years Later for free. So we said sure. Now on your website put a link to AHS website as an independent resource. They would not do it. Same with UNESCO, they will not do it. Why not put a link to where people can purchase the film at least? I would not do it. Because that would cause them to lose control. Whites (not us) organize Pan-African festivals in South Africa and sit down and decide which films are representative of the African voice. Netflix shows films about us–but Whites make the films and Netflix decides which of our stories are worthy of the African story. They are our parents and we their children.((White Savior Complex))
The desire for Whitness or a black version of whiteness makes sense. You can build your own African world–like how Asians built an entirely Asian world independent of the White world. Or you can just be a cultural orphan and hope to be integrated and live off crumbs. While some of you may hurl at the thought of this, there is some sense in this move. Whites are, from the pov of the oppressed a materially successful group, esp in this era of human history. Hence why Whiteness has a value and carries privilege– it is not made up, it is pretty tangible when 70% of everything in your home they invented. We live in the world they designed not the other way around. Clearly everyone wants to be part of the winning team regardless of the ethics of that team.
Attaching to Whiteness is easier than striking out on your own into the unknown. And this African thing is unknown. Because we are yet to show the world it working in modernity. And when you come to this place that we are in, then and only then do you understand the challenges in-front of us. To show our people the viability of an African reality. And to know that whatever we show them will be contrasted against what Europeans and Asians have already done. No one wants to give up the security (however painful and racist) of what is known for a gamble.
We say our people do not support and that needs some clarification. If we found out that Nike or H&M was owned by an African would our hatred of self mean we stop buying? You already know we would probably buy more, feeling proud to have Nike or Puma owned by someone that looks like us. So then you just said that we do not support each other. Seems like a conflict. But it is because of how our non-support works. Once white people like something or add value to something– then we embrace it. If 12 Years Later was done by Shahadah or Gerima and whites panned it, so would we. This is why people like Peele and Mr crossdresser do well with our people because they are validated Blacks. Then we support. But unless vogue runs a cover on Ocacia clothes, then we would not on our own add value to go and celebrate it.
Africans have agency and choice, more so now than ever before. If your home is a wreck, then fix your home. You not doing yourself any favors by pointing the finger at White Supremacy especially when you are ignorant of its operation. Because if you truly understood what White Supremacy was, then you would know the battleground is in your own home! And in neglecting to educate your children only feeds them into the frontlines of White Supremacy.
Bad parenting while an outcome of the African Holocaust will not be fixed by marching on “White supremacy” (WS is not that type of target) only by an internal review of African parenting. The poor education which plagues our people cannot be fixed by “blowing up” the “White” education system, only by creating an African education system. Capitalism which ruins lives does not respond to the weak threats of confused people, only an alternative to capitalism. If White Supremacy destroys identity, then identity must be repaired TINA (there is no alternative).Because how can a people who do not even know who they are and where they come from defeat a group of people rooted in identity? How can people who cannot engineer a bridge fight people who can?
White Supremacy Stopped me from clicking this link and supporting African business How can a people without a banking system defeat people with a banking system? So running a Facebook page and talking 24/7 about “they killing our people” does nothing to White supremacy.
Screaming on the streets about “Black Lives Matter” has zero effect on White Supremacy because White Supremacy has no conscience to appeal to, so who is hearing your powerless televised cries on TV networks that you do not own, on social media you do not control? And If you are not organizing as institutions to deal with social justice, parenting, marriage, business, lobbying, education, support civil societies, media ownership, then you are the firewood that keeps White Supremacy burning bright.
black supremacy doesn’t exist! Hell, we aint even got equality yet.Its like telling the people of the Caribbean that hurricanes and Godzilla are just as destructive. Even though both can do some serious damage, hurricanes are real..and Godzilla is not! – Coffie on Facebook
White supremacy is not the only form of supremacy in the world. However, it is the only one that operates on a global scale knowing no limits. It s the primary form of supremacy shaping the last 500 years of world history. It is the victor of all the last 500 years of conquest. And the Western strain of White supremacy is the victor over other strains such as Nazism and communism. White supremacy is packaged with democracy, neoliberal globalization, human rights, internationalism, capitalism to blend into the social-economic bloodstream of the world.
And while some would argue about the existence of Black supremacy (as in radical Afrocentrism), this form of supremacy only exists in online forums, blogs, self-published books, basements and talk shops, and in pseudo-academic papers. It has zero influence anywhere where it affects the lives of anyone. It has no domain in any economic space; it has no power! It has no repository of WMD, it invades no countries, it has no economic system, it has no media monopoly, it has no army, it has not invaded any country, it does not genocide native people, it does not control the IMF, or the influence GDP. It cannot affect the Dow Jones, it has no means of production, it does not even own any public traded companies. If anything does more to damage its own people than members of any non-African race.
Burning down the slave master’s house inadvertently made the slaves homeless–‘Alik Shahadah
Because most African people are so dependent, interconnected, harmonized and grafted onto White supremacy; even if it is a master-slave dyad. It means hurting White Supremacy means hurting a lot of African people: Just like a cancer, which integrates itself into the host body. So in places such as Kenya, USA, the Caribbean and SA anything affecting White domination also negatively affects the welfare of African people: This is why White Supremacy is so well protected. And explains why its best mechanism is to restrict African agency and create deeper dependency, deeper social-economic control over the lives of its victims.
This dyadic relationship creates a paradox where African people have become cultural orphans of Europeans (Nehusi). So any attempt at say transforming the economies of South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya will destroy the lives of many Africans who exclusively depend on servantile and middle level jobs created by White supremacy. Just like burning down the slave master’s house inadvertently made the slaves homeless. (Shahadah) The very people liberation is targeted at are themselves buffers protecting the continuation of White Supremacy.
We are still mental slaves. And let me make it plain by an example. As much as many of us complain and carry on about White oppression the only thing we actually want to be forever happy is acceptance in the White man’s eyes. The cage they have for us is in need of an upgrade (and nothing else). So while people might create “Black Cinema”, “Black fashion magazines” under the illusion of race pride all they are really doing is taking the icons and themes pre-approved in the white world and featuring them.
A case in point is our film. How many “Black” magazines reviewed it? But they did review 12 Years a slave (pre-approved and stamped White safe), they jump and review any Hollywood film with one “black” actor in a second. How many reviewed Sankofa by Gerima? How many so-called “black” sites talk about anything not verified by their white masters? and with Black fashion it is only a focus on the tiny “black” element from within the White world of fashion. Black books are books celebrated by New York times that have in “black” elements. Not the 100s of powerful African conscious books written by African independent publishers/authors.
And we need to appreciate the world is dynamic. White Supremacy prefers Whites, but that is not all they prefer. They prefer money just as much. Money and power. And this is why Hitler for all his antisemitism and Aryan race ideology formed alliances with Japanese– a dark skin Asian people. It is why Trump would fly to Saudi and lick bums. White supremacy is not totally stupid like these YouTube styled Black supremacists who say no to everyone not in their cult. And we need to pay careful attention.
Take a look at the YouTube comments to any African American tragedy. Youth being killed for having a wallet in their hand, being strangled to death in public for doing nothing. Look at the comments of South African whites, the same whites we are told are part of the “We South Africans” and the “Rainbow Nation” many people will excuse this as “bad apples”, but these are not bad apples. It is the prevalent trend of White attitudes to non-White people.
Sometimes you watch Denzel win and award or see a film like 12 Years a Slave get many awards or an African America
n in the White house, ANC in power, etc etc and think that we are moving forward— but we are not! Because moving forward could never mean success for 0.0000000000000001% while the conditions of the 99.9999999999999% have gone backward. Yes, backward. The debate on race in America and in SA has stalled. The issues which we had on the table in the 60s and 70s and 80s are washed out. And it is because of our laziness and comfort being in a cage AND the evolution of White Supremacy. They have countered our struggle by giving us Obama and Oprah and all these trinkets to make us feel we are part of their world. We are not, today we cannot even define ourselves, own much of what we use in the world, or even speak the truth without threats and abuse about our history and identity.
White Supremacy is like the Borg in Star Trek. You might (if you are lucky) get off one shot but they adapt. They evolve they assimilate. Our issue is we
are always 100 steps behind. We hit them in the 60s and were so happy with ourselves we relaxed– they did not. After 94 in South Africa most threw their hands up in the air and said ‘WE WON”, we won nothing but what they were prepared to give. They were 10 steps ahead of us. WS does not rest, it is not static, it evolves to keep Whiteness supreme. Where you found White supremacy weak last year it has already grown stronger. And every day it repairs its weaknesses while exploiting ours. It also studies us better than we study ourselves and therefore knows how to disrupt our efforts to gain freedom. Yes we can beat it: They are not a divine force.’
PERSONALITY: PSYCHOPATH[vc_row][vc_column]
Can you believe what This woman did? She sent her Nephew money via Western Union and is now probably going to jail in the UK (along with her husband) for guess what? Funding Terrorism. That is right. She funds terrorism as her Nephew is allegedly a terrorist since he is fighting British troops in Syria. And this is why WS is a psychopath. Do you know how many arms are sold by the British and Americans to conflict areas in the world? Well it is easy to calculate since 99% of the weapons used to kill people in Africa and beyond are made by White Supremacy. Do you know how much money is spent in Israel to help them kill Palestinians? But this woman probably sending $200 dollars is Funding terrorism and now has her face across British Newspapers like a traitor and a criminal. Funding Terrorism?
White Supremacy has a short term memory. And we use this example a lot. After capturing us, putting in prisons for months while waiting for the slave ships, and then finally packing us like animals in those sea coffins — serious “learned men” of the time wrote that Africans smelled bad. They did not see all they had done to create that situation. Many years later, after nothing has been done to redress the inequalities of slavery, they write about the ghetto like if it just came into existence with no history. Just like that, no roots. They bomb and bomb and bomb other people’s countries and write about refugees as if they confused about what made so many people run from their homes. They will go on Fox for 2 hours and discuss the topic and never mention their campaign of terror that made people leave their homes. Same with Africa, they confused at where all these African refugees coming from. They are innocent in what is causing people to leave their homes. White Supremacy has amnesia.
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Why society treats them like Gods, the exact same whites who cannot stand our guts every other day of the week. The same whites who spit at Nigerian immigrants and agree to war against other dark skin people. Yet they can make exceptions for Super Negroes. They would not have us over to dinner but accept a few into their lives. And we see this and interpret it as change. Sure it changed for Mandela and Obama. But the same racist South African whites with a photo of Mandela on their business wall still are supporting White supremacy and excluding Africans just as they did in apartheid.
All of these great talents are often surrounded by whites for the primary purposes of making whites richer. This is why Rihanna and others are always celebrating the white economic system. The more rappers advertise Gucci and Versace the more they are accepted.
And it is us with this nonsense about we should all live as one and practice One Love. Which one of them in practicing that? We live in this illusion of inclusion but bank account for Black Panther, etc is in a white name. They let us in the door for their own gains; throw money and their women at us because they are working us. And we need to understand the terms and conditions of our inclusion and praise. Then they
allow these accepted Super Negroes to say something “Black”every now an again, but nothing to radical. And to look good and be believable in the eyes of their race they attended the odd African American museum gig or donate $2 dollars to some Black University.
White supremacy does not have a conscience to appeal to. So we are not looking for it. And some will look at this statement and think “sure” but do you understand how profound it is when we go deep? What that really means is that if your plan of action or solutions involve WS waking up and owning its history of wicked oppression then you are wasting your time. It is like a lamb appealing to the “humanity” of a hungry wolf. There is no humanity anywhere in a hungry wolf. The nature of the wolf by definition is to kill the lamb. WS default mode of operation for the last 500 Years is our destruction. Where “our” means anyone (including other White groups ) who stand in its way. And this is where the Mandela and Kolfi failed. They got sucked into these universal values con; dedicated themselves to flawed concepts which no great powerful nation prioritizes. Whites will accept integration as a strategy in their control matrix. They will tolerate Black rule only when their economic empire is secured. They will promote democracy and the freemarket when it profits them. But let these same values which they hold so dear cause the rise of an African super power and see how quickly these values are thrown out. But some of them, like Martin Luther King realized at the end what was really going on when he famously said:
I feel like I am integrating my people into a burning house
And we think all forms of WS are united. No, WW1 and esp WW2 were the Great White wars for which version of WS would rule the world. Fom our POV Hitler was a WS who had issues with Jews because they were a threat to his version of WS. But Those same Jews when they got to Israel erected their version of WS. All of them were WS. despite their disagreements. Cold war, yet another White conflict. Communism vs Democracy the battle of two great White political systems.
The only revolution in which the goal is a desegregated lunch counter, a desegregated theater, a desegregated park, and a desegregated public toilet; you can sit down next to white folks on the toilet. That’s no revolution–Malcolm X
And certainly will not work in our competitive globalized economically driven 21st century. It would be wise we should look at the history of successful groups and realize they did not march and meet, they organized (as opposed to just mobilizing) and took control of their economy. Mental slavery has shaped how African, as a group, respond to our oppression. Reacting in ways which only make White supremacy more secure. Because if you are marching for them to give you more jobs, how is that revolutionary? If you are marching for them to give you a better education, how does that create a new African? How can you request freedom from your oppressor?
How can there be new partnerships with the personality of white supremacy, with the foolish hope of a new world when white supremacy has not changed in over 500 years? We are a special generation because we can look back on a historical relationship between us and them, and see that there is an “us and them”. There is no politically correct voice, which can speak around the harsh reality of a dominant race class imposition in all areas of people activity any more than Jews going into ovens could neglect that those going into ovens were not blonde blue-eyed and ‘Aryan.’
We can see Biko talk about it, Malcolm, Karenga, Farrakhan, Elijah; you pick and they had an experience. Has anything changed? Has ownership changed? So maybe we re-evaluate that relationship and institutionalize our approach to these people. Without too much drama or thought, it is clear they must be taken out of the African revolutionary loop. Even if the author is wrong on one point—why take the chance? Humans are surely predictable, and in that predictable behavior no human is so human that they can determine the fate of another group of people. Instead of engagement, the next time some “well meaning” liberal starts pontificating about what is or is not racist, kindly remind them that if they have not experienced what it is like to be African in a white supremacist culture then surely they are not qualified to define what that means. Do NOT engage them in a dialog because it is a trick, it is white supremacy defense mechanism to draw you into an unproductive course of action. Some believe they have time on their hands to sift through the good white liberals from the bad white liberals, even if it takes 1000 years; as if we do not spend enough time figuring out which Africans are worthy of our liberation efforts. Institutional disengagement is the simplest, less headache solution –people healing need restricted areas to grow their health back. How can we grow with them coming in all the time and putting something in our food?
What we must always avoid is explaining our oppression to the oppressor with the view of appealing to the conscious of oppression. The oppressor is here to oppress. He is here to tell us to protect White Supremacy but uses words of universal love. However, if the charge is we “are racist” for defending African people against tyranny; then let us be racist — better to be a free racist than a slave. Yes, we can have mutual relationships and exchanges but not one where they are inside our movement (family business). This is not a statement of racial superiority, or us good and them bad, but of pure self-defense. Even if they mean well, it hurts our long-term development, because a people must free themselves by their own hands. We are not their children, we have arms, legs and minds to build and repair our own world. How can any people be complete human beings, and be so oppressed, yet denied the right to define and defend ourselves against that oppression?