This article is not proofread and transferred from our old website. It is a great body of information that is obscured from Wikipedia and Google search.
“The violence that we’re seeing today in the US is 100 percent the result of white supremacy and anti-blackness and institutionalised racism in the US. The exchange programmes create the opportunity for US armed forces and Israeli armed forces to come together and swap tactics, and deepen the harmful practices and policies that already exist in both countries.” –JVP ((How the US and Israel exchange tactics in violence and control))
See Arab Slave Trade
Not everyone knows that Zionism is way more than a racist ideology– it is an aggressive strain of White Supremacy. It works in tandem with global white supremacy (apartheid South Africa and America) to target non-White people and effectively marginalize them. ((How the US and Israel exchange tactics in violence and control)) The tactics used to choke and knee African Americans such as George Floyd were learned from Israel. ((George Floyd killing highlights issue of US police training in Israel))
But Zionism counterintuitively does not hold Jewishness as sacred, as many think. It holds White Jews (religious or secular) above everyone else including Arab and African Jews. And this form of silent racism has been working on African people unknown to most far longer than the BNP and the Klan.
Simple looks at the Middle East and defines it as Muslim people fighting Muslim people. Does that not sound like Africans enslaving Africans? Well, The Islamic world is not Singular and it has almost never had any political singular ideology. Not even at its peak. Never ever. And I am not talking Sunni vs Shia. even before that. I saw all of this to make one point WS is not monolithic. It fights itself. Read Churchill on non-Whites and then read Hitler. What is the difference? Yet they went to war over which version of White supremacy would rule the world.
When dealing with a topic as sensitive as Jews and African oppression, or any group and the oppression of another group, we must first explain the social and political factors around such a study. There are no taboos on authentic research as far as Africans are concerned and the European Jewish involvement in African enslavement seems to be a seriously controversial one further exacerbated since…the publishing of work by the Nation of Islam and Dr. Tony Martin, both are charged with being antisemitic. Along with Farrakhan, Ilhan Omar, Jesse Jackson, Marcus Garvey, [4] Cynthia McKinney, Malcolm X, John Clarke, Desmond Tutu,(( Zionist US attorney Alan Dershowitz referred to Tutu as a “racist and a bigot” )) obviously Leonard Jeffries [2] and almost all critics of the state of Israel, even liberal Alice Walker![7] And now even poor #BLM. ((Every time I try to find #BLM and the White Jewish conflict all I get in Google is Zionist writers defending their White supremacy in Israel while trying to curse White supremacy in America. It reminds me of South Africa. There were White Americans who opposed apartheid in South Africa but failed to recognize the oppression of African Americans at home. )) And this is the problem because maybe we could understand Farrakhan but even Tutu? What did Omar say that was “antisemitic”? She made a truism about the Zionist lobby, nothing she said was new, hidden, or inaccurate.
No oppression is complete until the oppressed become oppressors themselves
But Zionism is a system of white control and while White men might get away with some degree of criticism, little black Muslim immigrants from Somali certainly need to be shut down with absolute prejudice. Even simple rapper Jay-Z got warned by the ADL which makes sure no one utters anything that could be perceived as negative for mention the word Jew and control in his song “The Story of OJ.” ((ADL Questions Jay-Z Over Jewish Lyric in ‘The Story of O.J.’))((Russell Simmons also defended the rapper earlier this week on Twitter, writing, “Mischief makers would like to take Jay’s statements about the culture and practices that exist within some parts of the Jewish community (notice I say some). The fact is this culture that promotes good business and financial well-being is and has been a guiding light to the black and specifically the hip-hop community.”))What group operates like this? You need some sort of copyright clearance from ADL to say “Jew” + truth?
There is “NO Jewish cabal”, yet by coincidence Hollywood is dominated with the Jewish story where Muslims always play terrorist villain and the Black Gansta.
Yet they are the very ones who boast about control of Hollywood, but when you say it–you are invoking antisemitic tropes. And everything this minority does has weight and power to scare people to step away from their third rail. And yes Jews (Zionist and non-Zionist) have disproportionate control of media this is why everything they say carries so much weight from their HQ at Wikipedia to Rolling Stones, Netflix, ((Almost every historical film on Netflix is Jewish, yet most of teh Muslim content is the “terrorist” narrative. I guess the Zionist agenda is a conspiracy))BBC to CNN you name it. Almost everyone in media knows the more support you have for Jewish/Zionist special interest the better the outlook for your career. Look at the ownership/control in Hollywood. ((Oliver Stone: Jewish Control of the Media Is Preventing Free Holocaust Debate))In their own words, they boast about their levels of control. Prolific manipulators of opinions and they are gymnasts when picking apart arguments to suit their interest. Alan Dershowitz a lawyer, cleverly misdirected concerns over a “Jewish Cabral.” ((The issue with Jewish control in Hollywood is not about an all Jews working as in Fords article, it is obvious that if Jews dominate they will individually even unconsciously exercise their nature prejudices and aspirations because they have power. They do not need to be a conspiracy to know to block African Americans speaking ill of Israel, they do not need to be a group to know to block Muslims in American politics. They do not need a central organization to promote other Jews into power. Come on now! ))Well, Jewish interest does not need people to be religious Jews, Zionists, or members of AIPAC. We would think that if there is a dominance of Muslims in any society that that society would be more pro-Islamic than anti-Islamic. We would be correct in assuming even a non-practicing Muslim would still be inclined–out of cultural/political self-interest, to represent what is best for Muslims. So why is Dershowitz rebuttal to a “Jewish Cabral” is exactly why people hold on to the racist canard of the smart “Jewish trickster”.
Zionist hasbara has always used the charge of anti-Semitism (which is a misnomer) cannot and must not dissuade Africans from researching into any area of history; especially when that history has traditionally been suppressed. Passionately saying “This is all antisemitic junk” or “sounds like Protocols of Elders of Zion conspiracy” can no longer be used as a defense against this discourse; the world is getting tired and bored of this dronish one-liner, and the cookie-cutter drivel. And it is amazing with so much freedom of speech floating around and dissenting voices on every single topic under the sun that the only sources we can find up until page 11 on Google are Jewish sources on slavery. So the topic is taboo and only something White Jews can discuss on “My Jewish Learning” and the “ADL”?
It is very easy, when in control of media, to selective critique people like Farrakhan as hateful but avoid dealing with his position on a point-by-point base. Because if the charge of antisemitism (an over-abused Zionist silencing apparatus) was satisfied every time it was invoked, no one other than pro-Zionist would be allowed to say “Jew.” [3][4] And make no mistake, the real issues of Israel are not “Jewish” issues, they are Zionist issues. No one should confuse Zionism and Judaism, Jewish people and Zionists. But there is also a “Jewish” concern outside of Zionism which also needs full disclosure. And while people are free to NOT use the word “Some” when discussing Africans, Arabs, Christians it is funny how the condition “some” is mandatory for every statement about Jewish people.
It has always been very easy for Africa’s detractors to assemble all the hand-picked Black defenders of Zionism to act with “authority” and decry this discourse as “fringe theories”. Anyone attempting to dictate what topics are viable for African scholars to research is racist as well as those who think the opinions of Africans is not noteworthy. Skipping the colorful names for Tony Martin and Farrakhan it would be far more meaningful to explore this study point-by-point. What Zionist Jews are very skilled at is cherry-picking and hyperbole. Very skilled presenting examples of “all the good things they did for us Blacks” until they blind themselves to their own terrible history of racism and oppression. Citing how much someone else, like the Arabs, especially Muslims, have done far worse has always been a good defense. But the decoy of a “better devil”— true or false, as a defense cannot invalidate the necessity for any study.
[perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Hiding in Whiteness to attack and then in Jewishness when attacked[/perfectpullquote] From partners in apartheid with South Africa((Israel and apartheid: a marriage of convenience and military might)) co-cultivating genetic warfare, sterilization of Ethiopian Jews((Israel Admits Ethiopian Women Were Given Birth Control Shots)), to slavery in the Americas, to a callous and insidious role in destroying African history. In addition to constantly persecuting African icons like Angela Davis and Desmond Tutu. And the war games they play in East Africa.((Kenya Killing for Israel and America))
The list is very long and Zionism needs a critical exposé. Balanced respectful critique is a sign of a healthy society, and in this polarized debate some “other” opinion is necessary to balance out white-washing on one hand, and blatant antisemitic on the other. And it is a fine line, but that in itself is true for most studies on controversial topics.
Language is an amazing thing. It is so mischievous. It is supposed to add clarity but it is often used to obfuscate. When someone tells you:
I oppose BDS because I believe full civil rights and security for Palestinians will only be achieved through Israeli-Palestinian dialogue and trust building.
We do not need to go deep. They are erecting a bunch of impossible conditions that will never be met. What dialogue? Every year the two-state thing is becoming more of a dream. What dialogue after moving the embassy? So you dictate to oppressed people the form their revolution against their oppressor must take? So while I shoot at you, you must stand still and not run or shoot back if peace is to ever work. Or until lions and lambs sit at the table and talk, there can be no resolution.((Sounds wonderful for the lions)) So to clarify the language of appearing balanced and reasonable achieves the exact same results as the hardliner Zionist. And remember while we are waiting for this pending dialogue the Catapillar bulldozers just took out another Palestinian village. This is the illusion of moral high ground is just a total and utter trap– stay still so we can get a better shot at you. So can we stop urinating on people and expecting them to call it bottled water?
Alicia Keys was one of many Black artists to be seduced by Zionism for greater career access. Israel did not invite her to hear “New York” or ” Sleeping with a broken heart’. It was political. Zionist for decades have a mission for the hearts and minds of African people, and they know the easiest way to get into the hearts of Africans is by buying our silly celebrities who we hold in place of role models like Amos Wilson and Kwame Nkrumah, etc. And they have been trying for decades to get as many of our influencers on board because they know traditionally African people are anti-Zionist. Zionism is apartheid, Zionism is oppression in the minds of most Africans. (see Durban conference against racism). And it is Israel that has worked side by side with White supremacy in the USA to master their tactics of racial profiling and deadly tactics against African American minorities. Just like Israel worked with apartheid South Africa on gene-targeted warfare to create possible genocide. ((How the US and Israel exchange tactics in violence and control))
They tried with Martin Luther King and got a few pro-Zionist words out of him. In secret, he spoke about his absolute contempt for their manipulative ways. But they cannot erase the anti-Zionism of Malcolm or Kwame Ture, of Afrocentrism so they go for weak apolitical career-centric like Keys. They know that when she performs in Israel it will help them to infiltrate the unconscious African world. Rihanna stepped out of line once and posted a pro-Palestinian tweet and she got stung so hard the post came down minutes later. They even got Stevie Wonder, of all people, to participate in their Zionist projects. Two groups in America which are third rails–gays and Zionism.
It is not a conspiracy it is a cold plan which is active from the top down. They even tried to seduce members of the Nation of Islam. But even Whitney Houston gave them the middle finger for their treatment of African people. They cannot deal with Davis or Walker or even Ilhan Omar and AOC, who hold power over the general sentiment of conscious people towards Zionism. They cannot get the ANC ((Amid massive protests in South Africa, the African National Congress in Parliament (who suffered their own long years of apartheid) is calling for the Israeli Ambassador to leave with “immediate effect” and for the South African Ambassador to Tel Aviv to be immediately recalled. But Zionism has a deep pocket and deeper ties to the economy of South Africa.))on board, so they go for the DA. They cannot get Desmond Tutu or Malema so they subdue the weaker leadership of Ethiopia and Kenya with trinkets in exchange for fake support. They have no hope with Islamic Africa especially Sudan, but they are like vultures looking for weak African countries to control. While some of us were in Dimona Israel we witnessed a meeting between White Zionist and the Hebrew community where they sat down and worked out a Black History that removed every single critic of Israel. They tried (unsuccessfully) to introduce a new history of the long-loving
relationship between Zionism and African icons. They have such a low opinion of our intelligence they underestimate our awareness of their role in washing out African history. While the Hebrews have to smile in their face, behind closed doors they have nothing but scorn for their treatment of Africans and Palestinians.
In South Africa, they use the Church, specifically “His Church” to buy love from Africans. They have a project for South African Zionist relationships which pours a bucket load of money into “His Church” to form support for Zionism among African Christian communities. African Holocaust Society intercepted documents of extensive funding from Israel with a program for indoctrination. Again, the mistake Zionism makes is it assumes Africans are so stupid and unsophisticated that it forgets to cover its tracks. Africans are duped into this “inter-racial” white-run church which merges the Christian faith with a rainbow pro-Zionist message. Churches in Zulu are popping up all over KZN, South Africa.
No African dictates the volumes of book written on Jewish history, or their views on Africa. Not one African is allowed to object to philosemitic pride. No one cries for the Arabs when Islam and slavery, Islam, and anything bad, are being discussed to death. It is “freedom of speech” on the Jewish run Jihad Watch, but In Germany, it is a criminal offense to use freedom of speech to “Holocaust Deny.” The world seems to have to kneel before the hypersensitive, overblown, overreacting whims of a tiny Zionist population housed in Israel and America. (see Gunter Grass). Israel is free to threaten holocaust on everyone else,[4] but it is antisemitic to even protest their right to destroy other people. philosemites boast about how great Jews are, and how much power they have, how much influence they have in Hollywood—yet, to quote them in their own words is called antisemitic. Including the mention of a Jewish/Zionist power block, a Jewish fiefdom in media and US foreign policy.[8]
Yet it was a Jewish man (searching for the name) working at Channel 4 acquisitions that told Halaqah Films that “There is no need for another film on slavery, and he sees no need for a documentary on the legacy of slavery” imagine! ((We have a copy of the email from Channel 4 to Halaqah Films, ))When the rejection was published on the 500 Years Later page on Wikipedia the “Jewish” power group which controls Wikipedia removed the criticism of their Jewish comrade. Saying the evidence (which showed the correspondence) was a primary source. Are these the same people that have at least a Jewish Holocaust film coming out every month? ((List of Holocaust-related films, yet they block or try to control the African narrative)). No one is telling them to stop making films–their history –their right, so why are they blocking ours? It is Jewish groups telling #BLM that they must not create any relationships with Palestinians.((Jewish Groups Condemn Black Lives Matter Platform for Accusing ‘Apartheid’ Israel of ‘Genocide’)) The audacity is ridiculous to fathom.
“We cannot and will not align ourselves with organizations that falsely and maliciously assert that Israel is committing ‘genocide,’” -Jewish Community Relations Council
He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. –Martin Luther King, Jr.
The entire history of the selfish ADL in holding back groups that service African-American development is an open record.[4] Despite the allure of its name, the ADL is nothing more than a Zionist lobby for protecting Israeli and European Jewish interests globally. It has zero interest in Defamation outside of its own spheres of gain. The Zionist agendas of Darfur Watch are no longer a “conspiracy against Israel”[5] As part of the usual cover-up the ADL stated that Ethiopian Jews are not experiencing racism: “Whatever Israel’s mistakes towards its Ethiopian Jewish community, the cause is not racism.” It explains that “what causes the distress is bureaucratic ineptitude and a cultural gap between a traditional community and a modern, technologically-advanced, highly-competitive nation. It should be clear the role of the ADL in maintaining, protecting, denying anything which threatens the White constitution of Israeli society.
Many Jews/Zionist have been very vocal against anyone using “their” terms “Diaspora”, “Genocide” and “Holocaust.” Yet there are Jews who believe that it is all right for the Jews to borrow from the Greeks, but not all right for Africans to borrow the same concepts from the Jews. The Jews are particularly possessive about the concept of Holocaust – insisting that it must be uniquely Jewish. Yes, when the concept is from Greek to Jew – but No if it is from Jew to African (Mazrui)[6]
Forget the worldwide rampant Islamophobia and demonization of Arabs… Human Rights and Labor, has “institutionalized the fight against global anti-Semitism”, even though the US military and their allies have been destroying countries mostly populated by Muslims for over a decade. Or maybe is it precisely to support the war on Islam and the Arab World – a.k.a. “war on terrorism” – that the “war on global anti-Semitism” is being launched?–Julie Lévesque
Is truth antisemitic? is the challenge that first has to be addressed. What is the term then for racism against African people? Where are the terminologies for Africans to articulate the 500 plus years of exploitation and humiliation caused by all forms of racism, which European Jews are not subject to? 1 billion-plus Africans are less represented that a 13 million Jews. That is not the fault of the Jew, but certainly needs to be raised so we can understand the Jewish experience–vs the African experience. And what are the factors that make the Jewish experience so globally to all, yet the African narrative is unknown to most, including most Africans. ((In Africa more people know about the Jewish experience in Nazi Germany than know about slavery. In Durban there is a Holocaust center, none detailing the TST exist anywhere in Southern Africa))Clearly the power of one group is not represented in the demographic numbers. Those with eyes can see clearly the inequity in representation and that inequity, as with all inequity, causes resentment.
There is no part of our history that has not had some sort of negative impact from Jewish agendas, so it is strange that the relationship is sold as benign. Garvey blamed Jewish jurors and a Jewish federal judge, Julian Mack, for his conviction. In 1928, Garvey told a journalist: “When they wanted to get me they had a Jewish judge try me, and a Jewish prosecutor. I would have been freed but two Jews on the jury held out against me ten hours and succeeded in convicting me, whereupon the Jewish judge gave me the maximum penalty.” The Hamitic myth was pushed by in the writings of British Jews C. G. Seligman, it asserted that all significant achievements in African history were the work of “Hamites” who migrated into central Africa as pastoralists, bringing technologies and civilizing skills with them, passing them onto an inferior people. Hitler had similar ideas, but Hitler was not Jewish so unlike Seligman he could be called racist.
Right now, in a large number of Black Baptist churches, you can get a large number of the congregation to shed real tears of sympathy over the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace. — John Henrik Clarke
The relationship between Africans and Jews has always attracted great comparisons: both people of historical persecution. But only pandemic brainwashing could make Africans think Jews and them are in the same boat of oppression: European Jews have accomplished things Africans can not even dream of. Everyone knows of the Jewish Holocaust– Jewish or otherwise, while even in Africa many do not even know about the Atlantic slave trade. They think African Americans got to America by some pleasant event. And the sad reality is it is often the case that for African-based arguments to gain validity or make a point they have to be parallel to Jewish experience to evoke empathy. So we see “would anyone expect Jews to let Nazis write their history.” In an attempt to highlight how ridiculous it is for African history to constantly be written through the eyes of the slave master/dominant race-class. [7]
Let me ask a question. If you heard of a documentary called “Who Killed Malcolm X” who would you expect to have made and own such a documentary? Ok, so you are confused. If I told you there was a film on Netflix called “Anne Franks story” would you expect it to be made by ‘Alik Shahadah (500 Years Later) or Haile Germia (Sankofa)? This is our greatest problem. Guess who owns the production. And please a director is hired help in most of Hollywood. Henry Louis Gates has been a pawn of Jewish interest for decades. ((The Mis-Education of Henry Louis Gates, Jr.))He gave his backing to all of the Jewish run company “Ark media.” Now these are not Zionist Jews, these are liberal Jews who per our section on the Civil Rights struggle are dedicated to the African story. Most of their title are about African American issues. And I think Spike Lee made his point when he said about Amistad and Spielberg it would be strange if he, Lee, was able to same space to do a Jewish Holocaust story. Yet the Jewish interest on Netflix will allow other Jews full access to tell the African story. Yet there is no cabal. So left-wing and right-wing is controlled by them. Why is this a problem? I think it speaks to a serious injustice when the African story is always told by “the other.” Especially when it comes at the expense of African’s owning and telling their own stories.
John Henrik Clarke writes
There are well over 300 organized White hate groups in the United States. I know of no overt attacks by the Jews being made on any of them. Yet, Jewish people have attacked Louis Farrakhan more than they have attacked the leaders of the Aryan Nation or the American Nazi Party. Are the Jews in America looking for an easy victory or the Truth? Black Americans have never been their enemy. And they, the Jews, have never been our friends unless it was to their convenience. Neo-Nazism has fully re-emerged in Germany and in other states in Europe. These are people with a national structure and armies. Why is it that a group of weak Black Americans are getting more attention from the Jews than these powerful White forces rising against them? [5]
There have been times when it was to the best interest of the Jews to support certain Black causes, and they have supported them. When it was no longer in their interest, they withdrew from them. The Jewish people have practiced what all people on this earth have a right to practice the essential selfishness of survival. Indeed, I have criticized multiculturalism and Jewish control over the education system in New York City and the education system in the United States, in general, especially the Teachers Union. Jews have had no compunction in fighting for a holocaust curriculum.
And in many schools, it is mandated and Black students must learn about the Holocaust before they learn about their own history. Over the years, I have said repeatedly I am not willing to argue whether Hitler killed 6,000,000 or six. He was wrong if he only killed six. I think he committed one of the greatest crimes in history. No human being would ever approve of this crime. If we are honest about historical information, we would know that the mass murder and what is referred to as the Holocaust was a small event in comparison to other mass murder events in history.
The Belgians killed three times more people than this in the Congo. In an island near Australia called Tasmania, the British killed every man, woman and child. In the years of the slave trade, Africa lost, over one hundred million people. For every African captured, three were killed. The Arab slave trade in East Africa that started a thousand years before the European Atlantic slave trade and the Atlantic slave trade that lasted approximately 300 years was a holocaust against African people, which started 500 years ago and is not completely over to this day.
Ali Mazrui:
I have sometimes got into trouble in Jewish circles in the United States for using terms like “Black Holocaust.” In a lecture in Columbus, Ohio, I tried to put this debate in a wider context. I discussed what I called “the dual plagiarism” in Jewish-Black verbal heritage. The Jews borrowed from the Greek language the word “DIASPORA,” meaning dispersion. The Africans have since borrowed from the Jewish experience the word “DIASPORA” to describe a comparable condition of dispersal.
Similarly, the Jews borrowed from the Greek language the word “HOLOCAUST” – connoting destruction by fire. The first usages of the word Holocaust was to refer to the Armenian genocide—not the Jewish one. The Africans have more recently borrowed from Jewish experience the same word “HOLOCAUST” (though not necessarily with a capital H). This borrowing from borrowers without attribution is what I call “the dual plagiarism.” But this plagiarism is defensible because the vocabulary of horrors like genocide and enslavement should not be subject to copyright-restrictions.
Yet there are Jews who believe that it is all right for the Jews to borrow from the Greeks such words as “DIASPORA” and “HOLOCAUST,” but not all right for Blacks to borrow the same concepts from the Jews. The Jews are particularly possessive about the concept of Holocaust – insisting that it must be uniquely Jewish. Yes, when the concept is from Greek to Jew – but No if it is from Jew to Black.
Some of you may remember that I wrote a short paper entitled “Multiculturalism and Comparative Holocaust” as an appendix to a syllabus review report of the State of New York. The main report of our Syllabus Review and Development Committee was entitled One Nation, Many Peoples: A Declaration of Cultural Interdependence. The subtitle of the full report was proposed by me and accepted by my colleagues.
The full report was bound to be controversial anyhow. But even more controversial in some New York circles was my appendix, pleading that the word “holocaust” should not be reserved for the Jewish experience but should be applicable to such catastrophes as the genocide against Native Americans and the brutal enslavement of Africans.
In 1991 there were demands that I should be dismissed from my job as a professor at the State University of New York at Binghamton. In 1992 there were renewed demands that my appendix on “Comparative Holocaust” should be expunged from the official report of the Syllabus Review Committee. The Weisenthal Centre urged the Board of Regents of the State of New York to “reject” the appendix on the grounds that any denial of Jewish uniqueness was a denial of the very diversity and which our Syllabus Report sought to promote.
To the best of my knowledge, my appendix has not been expunged from the Report. Nor have I been dismissed from my job. The voices of intolerance and censorship have not so far prevailed.
Maulana Karenga:
Only Africans are made accountable for their Holocaust: The Jewish Holocaust had its Judenräte, Jewish councils which chose Jews for enslaved labor and for the death camps and facilitated their transport to them, as well as its kapos, Jewish camp overseers, who brutalized their fellow prisoners along with the SS guards. More than 150,000 Mischlinge (mixed blood) fought for the Nazis. In WWII Luftwaffe Field Marshall Erhart Milch, was Jewish. One way or another, at least 6,000 full-blooded Jews served in the Wehrmacht . There is some elaboration of Hitler’s obsessive fear of his Jewishness, as well as the probable Jewishness of Reinhard Heydrich, one of the chief architects of the Holocaust itself. Most documents that trace the ancestry of top Nazi officials have been destroyed.
Read: Most Jews are European ancestry
Many outside of Israel are actually unaware of how many Africans (mainly Ethiopians) live as oppressed second class Israeli citizens. Operation Solomon and subsequent so-called “rescues from persecution” was the solution to a labor shortage in Israel. What Israel needed was cheap uneducated Black bodies to serve as cannon fodder for against Palestine, to clean the streets of Tel Aviv, and to make up the “slave” lower-class social sector. This labor pool still lives at the bottom of every social economic indicator, victims of terrible racism that rarely makes headline news, or even has advocacy groups to speak on their behalf.
Jewish Ethiopian women were given contraceptive injections before immigrating to Israel and after arrival. The result: a 50 percent decline in birthrate, and a ‘missing generation’ of Ethiopian children.[5] According to Newsweek, “Poverty is three times higher among Ethiopians than among other Jewish Israelis, and unemployment is twice as high. Ethiopian youngsters are much more likely to drop out of school and are vastly under-represented at the country’s universities. One place they are over-represented is in jail: juvenile delinquency runs four times higher in the community than among Israelis overall.“[3][4]
Health Minister director general instructs all gynecologists in Israel’s four health maintenance organizations not to inject women with long-acting contraceptive Depo-Provera if they do not understand ramifications of treatment. –Talila Nesher, Haaretz[2]
..it’s incredibly black: populated mostly by Ethiopians who also had a dream… like my cell mates, one who is pregnant. They are all are in their twenties. They thought they were coming to the Holy Land. They had a dream that their lives would be better… The once proud, never-colonized Ethiopia [has been thrown into] the back pocket of the United States, and become a place of torture, rendition, and occupation– Cynthia McKinney[5]
They are often barred from prestigious schools that blatantly advertise “No Blacks here.” The plight of the Ethiopian Jew is identical to the African-American in the 60’s, and the consequences are identical, drugs, suicide rates (Ethiopians have the highest suicide rates in Israel), cultural displacement, lost of identity, self-hatred (towards other Africans and self), inferiority complex, delinquency, crime, prostitution, etc.
Ethiopian Jews say racism has added to their troubles. In some towns, Israeli parents have tried to prevent Ethiopian children from sharing classrooms with their own. Ethiopians have also claimed discrimination in housing and job opportunities. Ethiopian religious leaders have struggled to win recognition.– DIAA HADID | AP
The unique nature of the 2500 year old African Judaism once caught inside of secular Israeli was torn to pieces by the so-called Europeanized orthodoxy (an 18th-century movement) that had nothing but contempt for the various Africanized Jewish rituals. An attempt was made to “forcible” make them into European Jews. The attitude resulted in the same arrogance witnessed during colonialism where “good” and “right” meant copycatting the European version. Nothing was established at a Rabbinic or state level to protect and accept the unique Ethiopian Jewish customs, in a state that is supposed to boast of “equality and tolerance” for all its citizens. Ironically until Operation Solomon, Ethiopian Jews thought that Judaism was a religion only for Ethiopians–they were shocked to see White Jews, and probably more shocked to see them running Israel. So we come to see the Europeanization process at work in displacing and creating a serious identity crisis. In a nutshell for an African to be valid, he or she must conform to the European standard, despite having a more authentic an ancient tradition
Ethiopian Israelis have average monthly household incomes of around $1,800 dollars, less than half the average of other Jews, according to the Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews– DIAA HADID | AP
See | External Article
Jewish Identity: Seeking to protect its Jewish character, Israel has implemented increasingly strict policies meant to limit the number of migrants who enter. A nation of White colonial immigrants complaining about Africans is reprehensible. The demonstrators chanted “The people demand the expulsion of the infiltrators,” “We have come to expunge the darkness,”[1]
Israel’s Defense Ministry announced Thursday that it will erect between 20,000-25,000 tents for African migrants at various detention centers by the end of the year. (Link) The irony and hypocrisy arise when one remembers that Israel was supposedly established as a state to protect people from the Holocaust, although Zionist colonization in Palestine had begun decades earlier.
Added to this is the bizarre notion that a state that is supposedly obsessed with national security, and one that is fond of lecturing everyone else about protecting borders, suddenly wakes up to find that tens of thousands of people have been able to stream across Israel’s borders, seemingly with little difficulty. Israeli leaders have also taken the opportunity to warn against the “loss of Israel’s Jewish character” due to the influx of migrants, while the statistics happen to defeat the other racist claims – police point out that the crime rate among the migrants is in fact lower than that in ordinary Israeli society.
Cities like Haifa are warning businesses that they’ll lose their licenses to operate if they hire African refugees. Avigdor Lieberman, the same foreign minister who routinely promises “transfer” of Palestinians, has enthusiastically met with Geert Wilders, the hard-right, anti-immigrant leader of the Dutch Freedom Party.
That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn. –Talmud, Shabbat 31a
The conscious African communities across the world are strongly anti-Zionist (Malcolm, Kwame Ture), and not only because it is a form of neocolonialism. You see we too came out (or are still caught up in) a Holocaust. With our own eyes we have seen the hideous side of inhumanity, subjugation, oppression and feel its bitter sting every day for the last 500 years—no one knows oppression like African people, being the longest victims of slavery, colonialism, exploitation and modern racism. It has scared our hearts and our histories for eternity – and we will NEVER FORGET.
Living under the shadow of the Holocaust and expecting forgiveness for everything they will do in the name of their suffering seems coarse. They have learned nothing from the suffering of their parents and their grandparents. –Sousa Saramago
The African Holocaust attempt was to take humans and make them into articles, so we could come out of that Holocaust as beast, but we have chosen to salvage our humanity. We now seek the highest human quality—empathy – which is extended, regardless of race. So in that empathy we have a unique position on this Earth to understand suffering, having experience tyranny for so long. It is immoral and disturbing to hear some learned Rabbi cite that “love” should only be extended to fellow Jews, thus Palestinians are ripe for genocide according to Torah law.
The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I the LORD am your God–Leviticus 19:34
The other people that should 100% understand this are the Jews, so when we see Israeli it is a double violation from a people that should know better. How can you know what oppression is like and then inflict that nightmare on another people? How can you know what religious persecution feels like and cry for your ancestors while burning Palestinian families in their beds. As Tutu says have you lost your humanity are you dead to empathy? What would you do if you were them and had your land taken post-1947? And marginalized under the banner of Israel’s right to exist? Do they have no rights? It is not about taking sides because one side has Nuclear warheads and aircraft the other side has homemade bombs and stones? Is it okay to continue to turn a blind eye with immoral justifications to your role in their inequity and genocide? Is it okay to practice gross racist discrimination against African Jews (just like what Hitler would have done). To inspire and promote anti-Islamic sentiment, destabilize Arab nations (as Jews were destabilized by Nazi Germany). If we accept the higher authority of a G-D, then surely if the so-called chosen people favored by HaShem then why not act in that capacity and start to speak a language other than war and violence on weaker people. How can a people of conscious take the suffering of the Jewish Holocaust as a staging post for inhumanity and exploitation?
If I were an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country … We come from Israel, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that? –David Ben-Gurion
Israel has this terrible habit of misrepresenting obstacles and the size of those obstacles. (It also has a history of provoking most border incidents as part of its strategy to annex more land. [11] ) You don’t throw out the entire party because there is no ice in the cooler. But Israel is looking for excuses. The only Peace the want is surrender. They all will discuss to death “there was no Palestinian state”, “Palestinians had there chance and blew it (true or false we are here today)”.
Israel already has their border, they already have their flag and military, their trade and fleet of aircraft, they already have a seat at the UN etc, they already have their dream state. The Palestinians don’t (in any real way),so Israel barely has anything to gain from peace except the issue they keep bring up of security. But as Norman Finkelstein said, Israel has as much to worry about security as America had to worry about Grenada during the Regan administration. We can debate the degrees, but Arabs pose no significant threat to the day to day activities of the state of Israel– the reverse is not true. One thing is for sure, had Israel been serious about peace why continue the settlements? They are not necessary and increase the tension as well as this issue they love so much “security.” Israel is the product of war (WW2), it was justified on the back of a holocaust, it gains its principle funding and political support by constantly showcasing how many people “hate the Jews.” Peace doesn’t do anything for Israeli in fiscal terms. In a peaceful world most of its exports (weapons) go out of business.
I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. …the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power….I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain – especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within our own ranks — Einstein
And let’s understand that every single argument presented for the justification of Israel actions against the Palestinians is identical to those used by the apartheid regime of South Africa. South Africa had a more visible racism but the arguments supporting its racism are no different to those of Israel. South Africa justified all kinds of extreme measures under the banner of “Security”, actually apartheid itself was a form of “security”, group areas act, a form of “security.” The joint relationship between apartheid South Africa and Israel in biological warfare and Nuclear warfare testifies to them seeing their problems (and final solutions) as the same. With sweet words hell on Earth, endless wars, slavery, conquest, colonialism can be justified. And it would be wise for the Palestinians to no try no-violence if they want to win peace not only because non-violence is more humane but it will remove every argument Israeli needs to continue its oppression.
Israeli is the only country in the world to have so many immigrant leaders, none of them dark skinned like the native Jews.Why would Africans understand the Palestine side? Well we have been the Palestinians of the world for the last 500 Years.
We are building ourselves a ghetto. We will be surrounded by tens of millions of Muslims who will never forgive, never forget and never go away…But don’t Jews deserve a homeland? Actually, I feel that no human group deserves a “homeland” in the usual sense of the word. … I am not a Zionist, then, because I don’t believe in nations, and Zionism merely sets up one more nation to trouble the world–Isaac Asimov
Kevin Barrett: There is only one argument the Zionists cannot possibly win: The argument over whether there should be a “Jewish state” in Palestine in the first place. Defenders of this bizarre notion must argue that it is perfectly fine for a religious-ethnic group to invade and occupy another group’s land, halfway across the world, on the basis of the aggressor group’s ancient mythology. And that it is perfectly fine for the aggressor group to dispossess and destroy the people living on that land, and to create an ethnic-specific apartheid system under which the invaders are first class citizens, while the victims are either second-class citizens or permanently exiled from their homeland.
MIKO PELED: Israeli children are educated to see the Palestinians as a problem that must be solved and as a threat that must be eliminated. They can go through life, as I did growing up in Jerusalem, without ever meeting a Palestinian child. They know nothing of the life or culture of Palestinians who quite often live only several hundred meters from them.
As a Jew, I was ashamed at the scenes of Jews opening fire at innocent Arabs in Hebron. There is no other definition than the term ‘pogrom’ to describe what I have seen–Ehud Olmert (reluctantly)
Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew. — Jewish Almanac (1980)
Modern Judaism, the Judaism which we see all around us, is not much older than Christianity. And Rabbinic Judaism is far younger than the church–and not the other way around. This has to be stated because it is a serious myth to assume Judaism is a 3000 year old religion. Its roots may be 3000 years old, but so are the roots of Islam and Christianity.
Now let us start with the terms ” Jew” we see that in the 1980 Jewish Almanac we read: “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” The word “Jew” never referred to the Israelites in general. It is related to the tribe of Judah–and to the Southern Hebrew Kingdom of Judah/Judea after the death of Solomon. The Northern Kingdom (or Kingdom of Israel) evolved into the Samaritans. So Jesus was a Jew. Abraham, Moses, etc. were not Jewish.
And we must hold on to this when discussing the contemporary state of Israel and historical Israel. Just like Modern Ghana and Ancient Ghana, were not related. Actually the entire notion of a Jewish nation is largely a myth. Judaism as a religion is one thing but the notion of a connected Jewish people who went into 2500 year exile and still retain that genetic-cultural identity is nothing short of a national myth. A myth which piggybacked off of a holocaust to create the pseudo-state called Israel. ( See Invention of the Jewish People – Shlomo Sand).
There is no serious scholar contesting the conversion of Europeans and Russians (Khazars) to Judaism prior to the spreading of Christianity during the 8th century. This conversion of Germans, Russians and many other people from Europe have added to the original Jews and today what we see as Jews are actually mostly European converts. So the first red flag in this conflict is how could people from Europe come to the hot Middle East and file a 2000 year claim of “right to return.” Some may have faint genetic connections to “true Jews” but you will find Italian people with Berber bloodlines. Moreover, you will find the Lemba people of Southern Africa have even more “Jewishness” in their DNA than European Jews.
Palestinian people have not been known for any crimes against their Jewish neighbors until the 1920s when Eastern European and Russian Ashkenazi Jews started to descend on Palestine with the idea that they were going to return to their “ancient roots”; something which was all part of the planned national mythology since Eastern European Jews and Russians never had any roots in the Levant.[5]
DNA evidence shows that populations in the region have been relatively stable for the last 2000 years. This means that, regardless of what people there called themselves, the modern indigenous people of the region (i.e. those called Palestinians today) are direct descendants of Hebraic and Canaanite peoples (albeit converted to Islam and Arabized). The same cannot necessarily be said for European Jews.
To put this crisis in another context, can you imagine Nigerian Muslims moving to Saudi Arabia and claiming it as their original land while displacing native Christian Arabs and having more rights than these natives? How are we suppose to honestly believe that white skin red-headed people with cowboy hats have anything to do with the Afro-Asiatic people of Ancient Israel? These are the realities that cause so much debate in African-Diaspora communities. The entire notion of the Khzar ancestry of the European Jew is a study gaining great momentum. But where it becomes vulgar is when White Jews hold themselves up as the original and orthodoxy of Judaism while denying Africans any authentic claim to Jewish heritage.
Zionism is a specific manifestation of white-supremacy and it is the most brutal form of neocolonialism. It is a racist opportunistic political ideology of White Jewish atheist who capitalized on both the horrors of the Jewish holocaust in Europe and the Biblical story of God’s promise to the nation of Ancient Israel. It is both arrogant and the highest form of racial supremacy: God has given us, White Jews, someone else’s land and we have the right to kill the natives where they stand. Does Apartheid Israel today have a right to exist?
How can we (Jews) stop trudging along roads paved mainly with the forged materials of national fantasies? –Shlomo Sand
Historically there is no argument for its creation, especially at the expense of another people. And if Israel was so sacred why was Uganda on the table as a home for Jews? Proving it was all opportunism and not a natural history of a people. But in the interest of human peace and advancement, there is enough space in modern Israel to have a home for both Jewish and Arab people. Israel cannot continue to be a dominating oppressive force in a someone else land. Peace demands we make do with what we have and find coexistence based on justice and truth. But the issue is Israel has zero desire for peace, they want and demand complete surrender. The illegal settlements are without need, but still they injure the peace process by these dishonest greedy activities Can anyone with humanity not empathize with the Palestinian whose great great great grandfather plough fields in what is now modern Israel? Especially when that Palestinian is now being stopped by a 6 month old Russian Jewish immigrant (who barely speaks Hebrew) and being ask “where are your papers” to walk over their ancestor’s land. And while everyone is “claiming the land” the DNA does not lie.
Genetic analysis and historical accounts also suggest the Muslims of Palestine are largely descendants of Christians and Jews of the southern Levant, and descendants of a core population that lived there in prehistoric times. [2] So where should these people go, if Zionism has its way? Imagine if all European-Americans got up one day and said “Europe is still our home and we are going to claim it?” Or if African-Americans go back to West Africa and displace the current Nigerians (who have always been part of the region)? Historically, people’s movement is so complex and frequent that the argument of “my original land” holds no water, at least if we ever want to live in peace. Because most of the world population is somewhere they didn’t start off in (see Bantu Migration and Oromo people for such movements).
It is a mirror to South Africa. And Israel has deceitfully hidden it’s policies in smooth language and obfuscation. “There was no Palestinian state when we arrived?” Well there was no state in parts of South Africa when the Europeans arrived, so does that validate conquest? Because the people you are conquering failed to adhere to western notions of parliament and didn’t have a flag and an anthem? Many settlers are living in the occupied Palestinian territories not for ideological reasons but for practical ones. They have been induced to do so by generous Israeli government subsidies. Many settlers are zealots and regardless of need they intentionally provoke the tension by settling in Palestine. Because they believe that all the occupied territories belong exclusively to the Jewish people and that Palestinians there are not entitled to national or political rights. [3]
Have (some) of our Jewish sisters and brothers forgotten their humiliation? Have they forgotten the collective punishment, the home demolitions, in their own history so soon? Have they turned their backs on their profound and noble religious traditions? Have they forgotten that God cares deeply about the downtrodden?– Desmond Tutu
Can you imagine what would happen if Palestinians made a big deal over their captive people like the Jews make over Gilad Shalit? Which countries give honorary citizenship to the Palestinian women held in Israeli jails, do we know their names? Do they become over night stars on CNN and BBC? But regardless of the death toll on the Palestinian side, do you know what the Israeli side says; “They were majority combatants, conspirators, terrorist and sympathizers.” So “more” Jewish civilians were killed since 90% of Palestine is hostile and hence a combatant (or “potential combatant”) Even the little teenagers and infants depicted in Hollywood movies are also baby terrorists with suicide bombs in their pampers. Many Africans are familiar with these arguments to justify the Atlantic slave trade, “they were all involved in their own demise, we just picked up the pieces.”
Modern thinking recognizes both the inherent rights of individuals as human beings and the rights of self-defined peoples to national self-determination. Medieval thinking, on the other hand, relies on holy texts and symbols and conceives of people not as individuals and groups of individuals, but as fixed categories in a divinely ordained hierarchy.
The status of the settlements was clearly inconsistent with Article 3 of the Convention, which, as noted in the Committee’s General Recommendation XIX, prohibited all forms of racial segregation in all countries. There is a consensus among publicists that the prohibition of racial discrimination, irrespective of territories, is an imperative norm of international law. –ICERD
The worldwide Jewish population is 13.3 million Jews. Jewish population growth worldwide is close to zero percent. From 2000 to 2001 it rose 0.3%, compared to worldwide population growth of 1.4%. In 2001, 8.3 million Jews lived in the Diaspora and 4.9 million lived in Israel. Just about half of the world’s Jews reside in the Americas, with about 46 percent in North America. Approximately 37% of worldwide Jewry lives in Israel. Israel’s Jewish population rose by 1.6% the past year, while the Diaspora population dropped by 0.5%. Europe, including the Asian territories of the Russian Republic and Turkey, accounts for about 12 percent of the total. Fewer than 2 percent of the world’s Jews live in Africa and Oceania.
Take a look at Wikipedia and its track record with handling the different types of trades. Start with the Arab slave trade, then the European slave trade and slavery in Africa. Now go and look at the special treatment and editing pattern given to the Jewish slave trade in Africans. It does not need a commentary, it is a clear as day the agenda at work for anyone honest enough to call a spade a spade. It is vulgarly dishonest. Every single trick known to human beings is employed to mitigate the role of Jews in African enslavement– and that in itself is our concern. Are Jews different from Christian Whites, Africans, and Arabs that they by their genetic superiority do not dabble in slavery? Go on Google and search “Jewish slave trade” and you will get to page 20 before you find any non-Zionist opinions on the subject. Since the train has left the station and there is no longer any attempt to hide the role of Jewish people in slavery, they have done the next best thing total control of all the sources of information on Jews and Slavery. From My Jewish learning to Wikipedia. Wikipedia is so vulgar they critique the Nation of Islam’s book but block (as policy) any links or articles positively peer-reviewing it. So we must just trust their opinion of what the book is saying. But the more you try to control information, the more interested people get in digging it up.
1. | The vast majority of New World slaves were captured, bought, traded, and employed by non-Jews. |
2. | Some Jews participated in the slave trade, owned slaves, and even helped formulate and disseminate the pro-slavery ideology. Other Jews, including the Cincinnati abolitionist Max Lilianthal, Isaac Wise, and Rabbi David Einhor of Baltimore attacked slavery. |
3. | The Jewish expulsion from Spain coincided with the establishment of trading links between Africa, Europe, and the Americas. As a result, the Sephardim found themselves dispersed over critical nodes of the new system, transferring assets and information. |
4. | The only place where Jews came close to dominating a New World plantation system was the Dutch colonies of Curacao and Surinam. |
5. | In the antebellum South, about 5,000 Jews (out of 20,000) owned one or more slaves, making up 1.25 percent of Southern slaveowners. But what percentage of the White South did Jews make up? So what percentage of South Jews owned slaves compared to Non-Jewish Whites who owned slaves? ((What percentage of the White South did Jews make up? So if they were a minority you would not expect them to have a majority stake in slavery. Now if Jews were 2% (for argument sake) and accounted for 1.25% of the owners of slaves what percentage of the Southern Jewry owned slaves? vs what percentage of White non-Jews owned slaves? Which one is greater? Maybe we find 50% of all Jews owned slaves in the South. So this is the same data, but with a different potential outcome.)) |
6. | The largest Jewish slaveholders were Judah P. Benjamin owned 140 slaves near New Orleans; and Major Raphael J. Moses owned 50 slaves near Columbus, Georgia. |
7. | No southern Jewish intellectual questioned the injustice of slavery. |
Most articles on the subject outside of the so-called antisemites crowd are generally very sanitized. An almost all critique of the likes of Tony Martin are hung up on the word “dominated.” The question that seems to make Henry Louis Gates’ skin curdle is the question of dominance of Jewish slavers. It seems very unreasonable to make such passionate retorts to an entire area of study just because of a volume dispute. Because outside of the question of volume of Jewish involvement the records on Jewish slave owners are no mystery.
Beyond extremist agendas, on either side, there remains an academic need to study Jewish (in the broad sense) involvement within the enslavement of African people. This debate has just as much merit as slavery in Africa, Slavery in Islam, Slavery in Christianity. But these topics need to be treated with some sensitivity if a productive debate is to be established.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, and James William Freshfield, founder of Freshfields, the top City law firm, benefited financially from slavery, records from the National Archives show, even though both have often been portrayed as opponents of slavery. – FT.com
Arnold Wiznitzer a prominent Jewish professor, states in his book ”Jews in Colonial Brazil” that Jewish people were involved in aspects of the trade.( Jews in Colonial Brazil (1960), pp. 72-3) Austria, December 20, 1899; Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1920. The presences of Jewish Slave owners are also echoed in the work of Jewish author Cecil Roth, Who stated:
The Jews of the Joden Savanne,Surinam were also foremost in the suppression of the successive Negro revolts, from 1690 to 1722: these as a matter of fact were largely directed against them, as being the greatest slave-holders of the region. –Cecil Roth
Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael
It would seem to be realistic to conclude that any Jew who could afford to own slaves and had need for their services would do so….Jews participated in every aspect and process of the exploitation of the defenseless blacks.” From “Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South, 1789-1865,” Dr. Korn is a rabbi, historian with degrees from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati. —
Rabbi Bertram W. Korn
There is no denying that European Jews were agents in the TransAtlantic Slave Trade. It is erroneous to think that Jews can claim some moral high-ground in slavery and therefore be exempt on the bases of being Jewish. Jews were no more or less involved in the slave trade than any other ethno-cultural or national group. Jews by their low percentage in the population meant that they could never have been a slaving majority in actual numbers. However, this does not exclude them from being key agents in the slaving process; from plantation owners, financiers of slave raids, to insurance brokers.
It could be argued that these people were clearly European and may only have been Jewish in terms of ethnic origin or remote Jewish ancestry, thus attributing Jew to Slavery or Islam to Slavery is clearly distasteful and misleading. Because of the geo-politics of our world the case for examining Jewish involvment in Slavery has more to do with the injustices and inbalances in how history is viewed. If it is fair to expose the Arab slave trade in Africans and the African slave trade in Africans then why not also examine Jewish involvement? We cannot continue to live in a world where one groups of people are weighted by a completely different set of standards while at the same time fully exploiting justices and truth when it serves their interest and then denying these freedoms to others.
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- “Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
- “This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750’s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760’s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”
- Dr. Raphael discusses the central role of the Jews in the New World commerce and the African slave trade (pp. 23-25):
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- During the sixteenth century, exiled from their Spanish homeland and hard-pressed to escape the clutches of the Inquisition, Spanish and Portuguese Jews fled to the Netherlands; the Dutch enthusiastically welcomed these talented, skilled businessmen.
- While thriving in Amsterdam – where they became the hub of a unique urban Jewish universe and attained status that anticipated Jewish emancipation in the West by over a century – they began in the 1500’s and 1600’s to establish themselves in the Dutch and English colonies in the New World. These included Curacao, Suriname, Recife, and New Amsterdam (Dutch) as well as Barbados, Jamaica, Newport, and Savannah (English).
- In these European outposts the Jews, with their years of mercantile experience and networks of friends and family providing market reports of great use, played a significant role in the merchant capitalism, commercial revolution, and territorial expansion that developed the New World and established the colonial economies. The Jewish-Caribbean nexus provided Jews with the opportunity to claim a disproportionate influence in seventeenth and eighteenth century New World commerce, and enabled West Indian Jewry-far outnumbering its co-religionists further north-to enjoy a centrality which North American Jewry would not achieve for a long time to come.
- Groups of Jews began to arrive in Surinam in the middle of the seventeenth century after the Portuguese regained control of northern Brazil. By 1694, twenty-seven years after the British had surrendered Surinam to the Dutch, there were about 100 Jewish families and fifty single Jews there, or about 570 persons. They possessed more than forty estates and 9,000 slaves, contributed 25,905 pounds of sugar as a gift for the building of a hospital, and carried on an active trade with Newport and other colonial ports. By 1730, Jews owned 115 plantations and were a large part of a sugar export business which sent out 21,680,000 pounds of sugar to European and New World markets in 1730 alone.
- Slave trading was a major feature of Jewish economic life in Surinam which as a major stopping-off point in the triangular trade. Both North American and Caribbean Jews played a key role in this commerce: records of a slave sale in 1707 reveal that the ten largest Jewish purchasers (10,400 guilders) spent more than 25 percent of the total funds (38,605 guilders) exchanged.
- Jewish economic life in the Dutch West Indies, as in the North American colonies, consisted primarily of mercantile communities, with large inequities in the distribution of wealth. Most Jews were shopkeepers, middlemen, or petty merchants who received encouragement and support from Dutch authorities. In Curacao, for example, Jewish communal life began after the Portuguese victory in 1654.
- In 1656, the community founded a congregation, and in the early 1670’s brought its first rabbi to the island. Curacao, with its large natural harbor, was the stepping-stone to the other Caribbean islands and thus ideally suited geographically for commerce.
The Jews were the recipients of favorable charters containing generous economic privileges granted by the Dutch West Indies Company in Amsterdam. The economic life of the Jewish community of Curacao revolved around ownership of sugar plantations and marketing of sugar, the importing of manufactured goods, and a heavy involvement in the slave trade, within a decade of their arrival, Jews owned 80 percent of the Curacao plantations.
The strength of the Jewish trade lay in connections in Western Europe as well as ownership of the ships used in commerce. While Jews carried on an active trade with French and English colonies in the Caribbean, their principal market was the Spanish Main (today Venezuela and Colombia). Extant tax lists give us a glimpse of their dominance. Of the eighteen wealthiest Jews in the 1702 and 1707 tax lists, nine either owned a ship or had at least a share in a vessel. By 1721 a letter to the Amsterdam Jewish community claimed that “nearly all the navigation…was in the hands of the Jews.”‘ Yet another indication of the economic success of Curacao’s Jews is the fact that in 1707 the island’s 377 residents were assessed by the Governor and his Council a total of 4,002 pesos; 104 Jews, or 27.6 percent of the taxpayers, contributed 1,380 pesos, or 34.5 percent of the entire amount assessed.
In the British West Indies, two 1680 tax lists survive, both from Barbados; they, too, provide useful information about Jewish economic life. In Bridgetown itself, out of a total of 404 households, 54 households or 300 persons were Jewish, 240 of them living in “ye Towne of S. Michael ye Bridge Town.” Contrary to most impressions, “many, indeed, most of them, were very poor.” There were only a few planters, and most Jews were not naturalized or endenizened (and thus could not import goods or pursue debtors in court). But for merchants holding letters of endenization, opportunities were not lacking. Barbados sugar-and its by-products rum and molasses-were in great demand, and in addition to playing a role in its export, Jewish merchants were active in the import trade.
- Forty-five Jewish households were taxed in Barbados in 1680, and more than half of them contributed only 11.7 percent of the total sum raised. While the richest five gave almost half the Jewish total, they were but 11.1 percent of the taxable population. The tax list of 1679-80 shows a similar picture; of fifty-one householders, nineteen (37.2 percent) gave less than one-tenth of the total, while the four richest merchants gave almost one-third of the total.
- An interesting record of interisland trade involving a Jewish merchant and the islands of Barbados and Curacao comes from correspondence of 1656. It reminds us that sometimes the commercial trips were not well planned and that Jewish captains – who frequently acted as commercial agents as well – would decide where to sell their cargo, at what price, and what goods to bring back on the return trip.
- (End of excerpt)
Why mus the Jews attempt to control organizations that are supposed to be for our advancement?– Farrakhan
The A-list of the Jews that were part of the Civil Rights struggle does not tell us about the general sentiment of European Jews in the 60’s towards African-Americans. The long list of Jewish abolitionist does not tell us about the large slave ownership of Jews in South America. Nor does the list of anti-apartheid supporters tell us about the economic exploitation of Africans which is still a factor in South Africa by White European Jews. Not to mention Civil Rights attracted a lot of people who took part for their own selfish ambitions – it was cool at the time. (such as Charlton Heston).
Jews, emerging from the catastrophe of the Second World War, their recent past shaped by their experience of antisemitism. in the United States and the legacy of Eastern European socialism, latched onto a political agenda which, they believed, would ensure their success in America: Society should not make distinctions based on race or religion. That was good for blacks — but it was good for Jews, too. Blacks, readying in the 1950’s for yet another assault on segregation, emboldened by the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown vs. Board of Education abolishing segregated schools, were willing to reach out and work with white allies. They accepted the help of Jews as people who could make a difference. There was genuine love and cooperation in the civil rights movement, but for some blacks and Jews, the main motivation was not an alliance but success. The alliance was a means to an end, not an end in itself.–Broken Alliance
While you can see Martin Luther Kings uninformed support for Israel and Zionism he also makes several remarks at the exploitation and obstacles Jews presented for the African-American community. Some Jewish historians boast that at least 90 percent of the civil-rights legal effort has come from Jewish attorneys and has long been supported by Jewish money. Martin Luther King Jr. fell under the guidance of Stanley Levinson, who wrote many of King’s speeches. And considering the money trail are we surprised he had to support Israel and Zionism?
Joel Spingarn and the Jewish leaders of the NAACP directed Blacks to do the very opposite of what Jews do, and have done, to become successful in society. So the NAACP and most in the Civil Rights Movement adopted the philosophy Spingarn termed “non-economic liberalism”—which encouraged and fostered a beggar’s mentality in Blacks. It suggested that what Blacks desired and deserved of justice, equality and an overall better quality of life could only be achieved through picketing, marching and begging the government. This was never the model that Jews themselves employed. They developed strength through unity, self-love, entrepreneurship, and the establishment of Jewish enclaves all over America. These are the tenets that Brother Marcus Garvey, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Louis Farrakhan have promoted for Black people. [Nation of Islam]
Zionist author of Broken Alliance, drawing an alliterative shaft from Jesse Jackson’s rhetorical quiver, writes that the history of Black-Jewish relations went through three phases: “Cooperation,” Confrontation,” and “Competition and Conflict.” Jews are not shy when they state Jews were a ubiquitous and pervasive force within “black” organizations and the civil rights movement, often exercising significant authority over the black rank and file. “It was Jewish intellectuals, as well as lawyers and fund-raisers, who made the greatest contributions to the civil rights movement.”[4] As Melanie Lomax, put it, “Many younger African-Americans don’t respect my parents’ generation that was so much in the pocket of the Jewish community Younger blacks are intent on breaking that stranglehold.”
As Jewish political scientists Stanley Rothman and S. Robert Lichter have shown, the motives for many Jewish civil rights activists: … my activity in the civil rights movement was maybe less in terms of genuine love, say, for Black people at the time than with some kind of identification with white people who were disaffected from white society.[4] Political scientist Andrew Hacker documented an African-American author who said:
Jews tend to be a little self-righteous about their liberal record, … we realize that they were pitying us and wanted our gratitude, not the realization of the principles of justice and humanity… Blacks consider [Jews] paternalistic. Black people have destroyed the previous relationship which they had with the Jewish community, in which we were the victims of a kind of paternalism, which is only a benevolent racism.–Andrew Hacker
On a separate note let the record show that desegregation in the USA , despite its human right merits, has been economically destructive for the African-American community. Community businesses which were all African-American are now gone, replaced by Arab, Korean, Jewish, chain stores, etc. So this must also factor into our study of the “joys of civil rights.”
HEBREW ISRAELITES IN Dimona (דִּימוֹנָה)
Ben Ammi and 350 of his followers first settled in Liberia, and in 1969 began moving to Israel, entering the country on temporary visas that were periodically renewed. The African Hebrews started to arrive in Dimona soon after the Six Day War but as their numbers grew, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel ruled that they were not Jews, and therefore not entitled to Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return. However, members of the group continued to arrive and settled in the desert community of Dimona.
For two decades, their population continued growing through natural increase and illegal immigration (according to Israeli reports). The Hebrews have never officially claimed to be Jews, they follow the Hebrew tradition which is closer to the original Hebrews of the Bible. They see White Jews as false converts to Judaism, a legacy stolen from history. Part of their belief claim to trace the tribes of Israel to the shores of West Africa and then to the New World (via enslavement). Academically this is mythology for a million of reasons, but is enshrined in their belief system and must therefore be given respect under the principles of religious beliefs. The same way White Jews seem themselves as connected to the Ancient Israelites. This is even less likely than the African Hebrew’s claim.
The Hebrews have been called a cult by their detractors, but the word cult carries serious connotations which mean we must be careful with these labels. There might be elements that fit the profile of a cult, but because of the association with cultism it would cause unfair comparisons. It could equally be argued that the Hebrew community is a sub-nation with fundamental values practiced monolithically across a small community. The structure of nationhood in their communities is arguable a mirco-nation within a nation; like Rasta communities in Ethiopia.
They have been victims of serious racial hatred at the hands of White Jewish settlers and continue to be seen as a curiosity at best or a unwelcome menace at worse. In 1986 200 border police officers, armed with guns, tear gas grenade launchers, helicopters and tanks descended on the communal village of African Hebrew Israelites. Wearing all white and heeding their leader’s call to “stay in your places” the community, stood its ground, a day it memorializes as the Day of the Show of Strength.
The soldiers were sent to prevent a peaceful march on Jerusalem to demand the release of 50 members of the Hebrew community that had been taken out of their beds for deportation, under the orders of then-Interior Minister Shimon Peres.
Today the Hebrews of Israel live a traditional lifestyle and are very health oriented and close to nature. They are known for their music and hospitality. As a deeply moral society they practise many African tradition customs such as Polygyny. However, as the younger generation becomes more integrated into Israeli society we see parallels face by all traditional communities as the glare of the bright lights causes the values to be lost across the generational gap. The original African centered orientation is slipping into Israeli liberal Westernization.MILITARY SERVICE CONTROVERSY
Some members of the Hebrew community, in exchange for citizenship, have become members of the Israeli army, putting them at odds with the broader Pan-African struggle. It is a source of tension as Pan-Africanism is anti-imperialistic and has no tolerance for neocolonialism or occupation. African must not under any circumstance by on the side of oppression especially considering the oppression visited to Africa by colonialist. And the history of a similar race-based oppression in South Africa’s apartheid regime. We can coexist in foreign lands if permission is given by other oppressed people. Africans cannot be active in the oppression of native Australian people, native American people, Native Arabs or any other group. We should not enjoy the fruits of colonialism, for to share in its fruits is to share in its curse. The same dilemma is also true for Ethiopian Jews who Israel uses to fight against the native Palestinians.
Individuals from certain countries of origin are granted an informal type of group protection, a form of protection that is inferior to that which Israel is required to grant pursuant to the Refugee Convention. For example, persons from Sudan and Eritrea, who constitute more than 85 per cent of the asylum seeker population in Israel, do not have access to the Refugee Status Determination (RSD) procedure. Others nationals who are eligible to apply for refugee status must wait years for their application to be determined and live in a prolonged state of limbo. One of the proposed amendments is that it will not be possible to apply for asylum after 12 months from date of arrival.
In Israel there are currently more than 30,000 asylum seekers and refugees. As mentioned, approximately 85 per cent are Sudanese and Eritrean nations who have escaped ethnic persecution and attack. They make the perilous journey crossing through the Egyptian Sinai desert to enter Israel and are at risk of deadly attacks by the Egyptian military and being held hostage by smugglers. Despite the fact that 96 per cent of asylum requests filed by Eritreans worldwide in 2008 were accepted, the Israeli government refuses to even consider their applications. Additionally, nationals of enemy states such as Sudan are also ineligible for protection. As a result, Eritrean and Sudanese individuals receive no entitlements or guarantees in Israel other than immunity from deportation.
We strongly reject Interior Minister’s Yishai claim that only 0.01% of those entering are refugees while the rest are migrant workers and that this ‘poses an existential threat to Israel’.
Maurice Templesman is one of the top funders of Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. Templesman was the unofficial ambassador to the Congo (Zaire) for years, but a new Israeli-American tycoon has replaced him. In the world of bling bling and bling bang, some things change, some stay the same. The CIA, the MOSSAD, the big mining companies, the offshore accounts and weapons deals—all hidden by the Western media.
The holocaust in Central Africa has claimed some six to ten million people in Congo since 1996, with 1500 people dying daily. But while the Africans are the victims of perpetual Holocaust, the persecutors hide behind history, complaining that they are the persecuted, or pretending they are the saviors. Who is responsible?
For Israeli-American Dan Gertler, business in blood drenched Congo is not merely business, it is a quest for the Holy Grail. Young Dan Gertler goes nowhere—does nothing—without the spiritual guidance of Brooklyn-born Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Leibovitch, a personal friend of Condoleeza Rice. Gertler and Leibovitch are two of the principals behind a diamond mining company, Emaxon Finance Corporation, involved in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Gertler and gang won the majority rights to the diamonds from the state mining company, Société Minière de Bakwange, MIBA, found near the government-controlled town of Mbuji-Mayi, the rough diamond capital of the world.
Emaxon Finance Corp. has apparently out-maneuvered diamond competitors, especially the big rivals Energem and De Beers. Energem is one of the many shady mining companies connected to Anthony Teixeira, a Portuguese born businessman now residing in South Africa whose daughter married Congolese warlord Jean-Pierre Bemba. The warlord’s deadly battle in Congo in March 2007 was a bid between rival agents—Jean-Pierre Bemba and Joseph Kabila—to be the black gatekeeper for the mining cartels run by dynastic families like Templesman, Oppenheimer, Mendell, Forrest, Blattner, Hertzov, Gertler and Steinmetz, and for companies like NIKANOR, whose stock prices rose early in July 2006 in expectation of a July 30th “win” for Joseph Kabila. Africa Confidential called President Kabila’s 2003 visit to the Bush White House a “coup” for the Israeli diamond magnates Dan Gertler and Beny Steinmetz.
Canadian-based Energem, formerly DiamondWorks, is owned by British mercenary Tony Buckingham and its director/shareholders include Mario and Tony Teixeira, J.P. Morgan, and Gertler’s partner Israeli-American Beny Steinmetz (50%). Through subsidiary Branch Energy, the Energem-DiamondWorks gang has perpetuated war in 11 African countries. In December 2007, Energem re-launched itself on the London Stock Market with the newly laundered image of a renewable energy company. Regarding diamonds, it said only it “had decided to give up exploration rights in the Central African Republic.”The Energem spokesman explained that Tony Teixeira “had a clean bill of health” etc., etc. Of course, Energem “quit” the C.A.R. because Jean-Pierre Bemba marched his troops into C.A.R., where they raped and pillaged widely.[7] Energem is still operating in Congo, but Dan Gertler is the new, unofficial ambassador to the Congo for the George W. Bush gang.
Gertler and partners like Beny and Danny Steinmetz, Nir Livnat, Chaim Leibovitz and Yaakov Neeman run a hornet’s nest of companies involved in African hotspots, including: Dan Gertler International (DGI), Steinmetz Global Resources, International Diamond Industries, NIKANOR and Global Enterprises Corporate.
“Dan Gertler is ‘the new kid on the block,’” writes Yossi Melman in Israel’s Haaretz news. “Bold, sophisticated, brutal, he is an adventurer with a short fuse.” Haaratz confirmed that Dan Gertler owns a complex network of interconnected companies, often registered in offshore tax havens and involved in India, Russia, Belgium and the United States, and that Dan Gertler is looking to God for guidance.
In the diamond industry,” Melman wrote, “Gertler is considered something of an odd bird. He maintains few ties with the other merchants and is not very sociable… Alongside his business affairs, most of his energy is channeled into matters of faith. He is a donor to religious institutions and from time to time makes a pilgrimage to the rabbi he most admires, Rabbi David Abuhatzeira, from Nahariya, in order to consult with him and receive his blessing. Gertler is surrounded mostly by religious people and laces his speech liberally with praise to God.”
In 2003, Condoleeza Rice, then Assistant to President Bush for National Security Affairs, introduced Dan Gertler and Chaim Leibovitch to U.S. official Jendayi Frazer, a Harvard Kennedy School affiliate and former National Security Council agent focused on Africa. On December 6, 2006, Frazer, then Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, was one of seven special Bush delegates sent to the inauguration of Congo’s newly installed President Joseph Kabila in Kinshasa.
When Dan Gertler and Chaim Leibovitch and their friends visit the luxury Gertler villa in Lumumbashi, the capital of Katanga, Congo’s large southern province, their kosher meals arrive by private plane from Kinshasa. The special executive jet that flies their kosher meals a few hundred miles over the roadless Congo costs some $US 23,000 per trip.
The average income for Congolese citizens each year—if they survive it—is about $95. Shootings at mining facilities and diamond mines are common, land is stolen from Congolese people, strikes are crushed by security forces that companies are partnered with, and black overseers of state terror routinely arrest and torture any vocal opposition—and sometimes disappear them—in support of white bosses. The Société Minière de Bakwange—MIBA—and the diamond fields of Mbuji-Mayi inCongo have a long history of bloodshed backed by Western powers, including Israel, from the beginning. Amnesty International points out that not a single state agent has ever been prosecuted for the extrajudicial executions of suspected “illegal” miners in Mbuji-Mayi
After a century of exploitation and slavery, we find MIBA consistently withholding payment of salaries to starving Congolese laborers and middle managers for months at a time. April and May 2007 saw strikes and protests leading to the Kabila government’s arbitrary arrest, detention and torture of trade union organizers like Leon Ngoy Bululu; police have also shot protestors. So-called ‘illegal’ diamond workers—disenfranchised local Congolese people forced into “criminal” activities to survive—were summarily executed on MIBA concessions in Mbuji-Mayi. MIBA security guards have also been sniping unemployed diamond miners.
Meanwhile, Dan Gertler’s kosher meals depart Kinshasa, the capital of the big Congo, through the arrangements of Rabbi Chlomo Bentolila, high priest of the Chabad of Central Africa. Rabbi Chlomo Bentolila has been a Kinshasa Rabbi since 1991, and he was a spiritual force who survived the terrorism of the old dinosaur, Mobutu Sese Seko, the way most elites did: by working with him. Rabbi Bentolila is a member of the Chabad Lubavitch Global Emissary Network, headquartered inBrooklyn, New York, and his wife Miriam is the sister of Rabbi Mena’hem Hadad, a high priest inBrussels.
“Kosher does not mean that a Rabbi blesses the food,” Rabbi Betolila corrected me, “but rather that the food was supervised by a Rabbinical Thora [sic] authority who sees that the ingredients were in accordance with the laws of Kashrut expressed in the Bible (Leviticus and Deuteronomy).”
Dan Gertler often flies people into Congo, on his private jet, for sacred Jewish rituals. For the Bar Mitsvah of Rabbi Chlomo Bentolila’s son Binyamin Avrahim in June 2005, guests included eminent Rabbis, Hassidic singer Yoni Shlomo and special orchestra Yossef Brami, all arriving in “special flights” from Israel, New York and Brussels. The reception was held at the luxurious and exclusive Memling Hotel. Joseph Kabila sent a sizeable delegation but did not attend: his closest advisers provided a blessing on his behalf.
The Gertler, Steinmetz and Templesman interests are advanced in part through the support of the Committee of the Jewish Community of Kinshasa—le Comité de la Communauté Israélite—that is tightly coordinated with the power structure in Kinshasa to exert influence and assure control of Israeli-Belgian-Anglo-American interests over the geopolitical arena.
From June 26-30, 2007, the Communaute Israelite de Kinshasa received a visit from the Israeli Ambassador Yaakov Revah, director of the Africa Department of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Revah also flew to Lumumbashi for meetings with Dan Gertler and his agents, including Moishe (Moses) Katumbi, the Governor of Katanga, and they most likely enjoyed a lovely, $23,000 kosher meal sent from the Chabad in Kinshasa. The Communaute Israelite de Kinshasamaintains very intimate political relations with President Joseph Kabila’s PPRD party, the People’s Party for Reconstruction and Democracy. On March 1, 2006, in a formal ceremony, the President of the Communaute Israelite de Kinshasa, Ashlan Piha, was awarded the Congo’s Medal of Civil Merit.
Dan Gertler and Philippe de Moerloose were, reportedly, the only two white men who attended the wedding of Joseph Kabila and the two clearly share interests in “security” provided by OSS at MIBA and elsewhere in Congo. The April 2003 secret agreement signed between the Gertler/Steinmetz company Emaxon Finance and the Kabila government involved MIBA and two de Moerloose companies, OSS-Congo and Demimpex, and other firms.
Overseas Security Services (OSS) operations are apparently grounded in the experience of top expatriate security operatives formerly involved with the biggest security firm in Mobutu’s Zaire.According to OSS public relations materials, “these persons have a not unimportant experience in the safety of this country.”Providing mine security, body-guard and protection services, OSSoperates in Burundi, Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Dubai, South Africa, Republic of Congo (Brazzavile) and Belgium, placing them in cahoots with all sides warring and plundering eastern Congo today.
Emaxon Finance International is a real gem, one of these octopuses of mining tangled up with interlocking companies and subsidiaries based in specious geographical offshore “tax havens” that work to shield from prosecution people who are responsible for money laundering, weapons and drugs operations, assassinations and other terrorism.
NIKANOR is registered as an Isle of Man (UK) company, an offshore tax haven that helps to conceal criminal activities and maximize profits. NIKANOR directors include Dan Kurtzer, former U.S.ambassador to Israel (2001-2005) and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research under Madeleine Albright. NIKANOR partners include Mende and Moshe Gertner [sic], Israeli property tycoons with vast holdings in London who control 22 percent of NIKANOR. Another partner is Israeli-born Nir Livnat, managing director of Johannesburg-based Ascot Diamonds, a member of the Steinmetz Group of Diamond Companies, and a principal involved in numerous U.S.-based businesses from Miami to New York.
Even a cursory look at the supporters of the campaign shows the prominent role of right-wing evangelical Christians and major Zionist groups to “Save Darfur.”
The Executive Committee of SAVE DARFUR
American Jewish World Service
American Society for Muslim Advancement
Amnesty International USA
Citizens for Global Solutions
Darfur Peace and Development
International Crisis Group
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Association of Evangelicals
National Coalition of Churches of Christ in the USA
Union for Reform Judaism
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
A Jerusalem Post article of April 27 headlined “U.S. Jews Leading Darfur Rally Planning” described the role of prominent Zionist organizations in organizing the April 30 rally. A full-page ad for the rally in the New York Times was signed by a number of Jewish organizations, including the UJA—Federation of NY and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs.
But it wasn’t just Zionist groups that called it. The rally was sponsored by a coalition of 164 organizations that included the National Association of Evangelicals, the World Evangelical Alliance and other religious groups that have been the strongest supporters of the Bush administration’s invasion of Iraq. The Kansas-based evangelical group Sudan Sunrise helped arrange buses and speakers, did extensive fund raising and co-hosted a 600-person dinner.